Grayling on jobs figures
Employment Minister Chris Grayling says he is concerned by the rise in the number of people claiming jobseekers allowance.
Southern Cross to close
The embattled care home company, which has 31,000 residents, will close down after its landlords deserted the group.
British Gas raises prices
Audrey Gallagher from Consumer Focus says British Gas' 18 per cent price increase will lead to other companies following suit.
Facebook gets Skype app
Mark Zuckerburg has announced that Facebook users will be able to video chat with friends online.
Facebook gets Skype app
Mark Zuckerburg has announced that Facebook users will be able to video chat with friends online.
Cable on bank shares handout
The Business Secretary says "amicable" talks with the Treasury over giving taxpayers shares in nationalised banks are "preliminary".
Trump golf course set to open
Donald Trump says expensive work is complete at his new golf course near Aberdeen but "the artistry" is the next phase.
Cable: Britain is poorer
The Business Secretary says we are all worse off due to the recession, with the decline in house prices playing its part.
Alexander on pension reform
Treasury Chief Secretary Danny Alexander says public sector pensions must be "affordable, sustainable, high quality and fair".
Grayling on jobs figures
Employment Minister Chris Grayling says a drop in the number of unemployed people is "a step in the right direction".
Green light for BMW
BMW is investing £500 million in UK car production which will safeguard 5,000 jobs.
Hester on bank ring-fence
RBS CEO Stephen Hester tells the Treasury Select Committee that creating a ringfence "increases some of the systemic risk" to banks.
IMF on UK economic policy
Acting head of the International Monetary Fund John Lipsky says the Government’s current mix of economic policies is appropriate.
George Osborne backs Cable
The Chancellor is standing by his plan for the economy and the Business Secretary’s views on public sector strike action.
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