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AFGHANISTAN: Petraeus steps down as US commander in Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN: Petraeus steps down as US commander in Afghanistan
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 18, 2011
General David Petraeus (pictured), the top US commander in Afghanistan, steps down Monday to take up his new post as Director of the CIA. His succ...
EGYPT: Egypt to swear in new cabinet after protests EGYPT: Egypt to swear in new cabinet after protests
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 18, 2011
Egypt will swear in a new cabinet Monday following a major reshuffle replacing over half its members. Protesters who camped out in Cairo’s Tahrir S...
SOMALIA: UN makes first aid airlift to drought-stricken Somalia SOMALIA: UN makes first aid airlift to drought-stricken Somalia
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 17, 2011
The United Nations said Sunday it had delivered its first supplies of food and medicine to Somalia after hardline Islamist rebels lifted an aid ban...
LIBYA: Gaddafi vows to remain in Libya as rebels advance LIBYA: Gaddafi vows to remain in Libya as rebels advance
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 17, 2011
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has vowed not to go into exile despite a new offensive by rebels on the key refinery town of Brega.  ...
EGYPT: PM picks two deputies ahead of cabinet reshuffle EGYPT: PM picks two deputies ahead of cabinet reshuffle
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 17, 2011
Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf has chosen the leader of one of Egypt’s older political parties and an economist to be his deputies ahead of a...
SYRIA: Syrian opposition forms council to battle Assad SYRIA: Syrian opposition forms council to battle Assad
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 17, 2011
Opponents of the Syrian regime created a board-based council at a meeting in Turkey that they hope will become the government-in-waiting and fill t...
VENEZUELA: Chavez arrives in Cuba for cancer treatment VENEZUELA: Chavez arrives in Cuba for cancer treatment
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 17, 2011
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez arrived in Cuba Sunday for cancer treatment after the Government gave him permission to leave the country despite ...
Obama meets Dalai Lama despite China’s protests Obama meets Dalai Lama despite China’s protests
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 16, 2011
Hugo Chavez to return to Cuba for cancer treatment Hugo Chavez to return to Cuba for cancer treatment
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 16, 2011
HORN OF AFRICA: UK pledges $73 million in aid as food crisis worsens HORN OF AFRICA: UK pledges $73 million in aid as food crisis worsens
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 16, 2011
Britain has pledged 73 million dollars in emergency aid to help East Africa cope with its most severe food crisis in decades as the UN warned that ...
MEDIA: Murdoch apologises with full-page ads MEDIA: Murdoch apologises with full-page ads
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 16, 2011
News Corp. has run full-page ads in seven British newspapers on Saturday to apologise for the phone hacking by News of the World as close ties betw...
China urges Obama to cancel Dalai Lama meeting China urges Obama to cancel Dalai Lama meeting
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 16, 2011
LIBYA: Contact Group declares Libyan rebels official govt LIBYA: Contact Group declares Libyan rebels official govt
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 16, 2011
The United States joined 30 other nations in formally recognising Libya’s rebel opposition as the legitimate government Friday, a move which could...
FINANCE : Huit banques de la zone euro échouent aux tests de résistance aux chocs économiques FINANCE : Huit banques de la zone euro échouent aux tests de résistance aux chocs économiques
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 15, 2011
Huit banques de la zone euro ont échoué aux tests imposés à 91 banques européennes pour éprouver leur résistance aux chocs économiques. Cinq établi...
ITALIE : Le Parlement italien adopte définitivement le plan d’austérité renforcé ITALIE : Le Parlement italien adopte définitivement le plan d’austérité renforcé
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 15, 2011
Après le Sénat italien jeudi, la Chambre des députés a avalisé un plan d’austérité renforcé de 48 milliards d'euros, ce vendredi. Les dif...
FINANCE: Eight banks fail European stress tests FINANCE: Eight banks fail European stress tests
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 15, 2011
Eight European banks failed stress tests Friday, showing that they would be unable to withstand a prolonged recession, the European Banking Author...
USA: Obama warns of tax increase if debt ceiling is not raised USA: Obama warns of tax increase if debt ceiling is not raised
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 15, 2011
Barack Obama said Friday that Congress should raise the debt ceiling and cut deficits imminently or risk facing a tax increase for all Americans be...
UNITED STATES: Strike a deal - or the world’s biggest economy will run out of money UNITED STATES: Strike a deal - or the world’s biggest economy will run out of money
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 15, 2011
Barack Obama has a crisis on his hands. In less than three weeks, the US will run out of money and be forced to default on its loans. Neither will...
GERMANY: Sexuality in schools: how soon is too soon? GERMANY: Sexuality in schools: how soon is too soon?
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 15, 2011
A primary school in Berlin has come under fire after announcing that it’ll teach sexual diversity from September. A new kit is available to help te...
ÉTATS-UNIS : Le temps ÉTATS-UNIS : Le temps "presse" pour trouver un accord sur la dette, prévient Barack Obama
Channel: France 24
Length: 0
Date: July 15, 2011
Alors que les discussions entre Barack Obama et les républicains sur le relèvement du plafond de la dette américaine butent toujours, celui-ci a a...
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