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Gov. Pawlenty headlines fundraiser in New Hampshire Gov. Pawlenty headlines fundraiser in New Hampshire
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 16, 2009
(NECN: John Moroney) - It may seem a bit premature to be talking about the 2012 presidential race, but don’t try telling that to potential candida...
Broadside: Uprising in the House Broadside: Uprising in the House
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 16, 2009
(NECN) - Something rare is happening at the Massachusetts State House. For days now, a group has been rebelling against the leadership of House Sp...
Brown,  Coakley address cap and trade Brown, Coakley address cap and trade
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 15, 2009
(NECN: Alison King) - There may be no greater challenge for our economy right now than finding a way to get people back to work. The challenge of j...
Braude Beat: Child in trouble for Jesus drawing Braude Beat: Child in trouble for Jesus drawing
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 15, 2009
(NECN) - On the Braude Beat, a child’s drawing of Jesus lands him in trouble in a Massachusetts school. The father of the child spoke to NECN, say...
Sen. Lieberman’s opposition to Medicare may cause changes Sen. Lieberman’s opposition to Medicare may cause changes
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 15, 2009
(NECN: Brian Burnell) - There is still no clear agreement on health care reform, but a critical meeting has wrapped up at the White House. Preside...
Globe Today: Coakley balking at 1-on-1 debates Globe Today: Coakley balking at 1-on-1 debates
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 15, 2009
(NECN: Boston, Mass.) - The two major party candidates for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts are sparring over debates. Republican Scott Brown says he ...
Democratic Senators head to White House for meeting with President Democratic Senators head to White House for meeting with President
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 15, 2009
(NECN/ABC) - With Senate Republicans united in their opposition against the health care bill, the fate of reform is now up to the Democrats.&#...
Coakley calling for three-way debates in Senate race Coakley calling for three-way debates in Senate race
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 14, 2009
(NECN) - Democratic Attorney General Martha Coakley says all of the candidates in the campaign to fill the late Ted Kennedy’s U.S. Senate seat shou...
Braude Beat: Road rage Braude Beat: Road rage
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 14, 2009
(NECN) - On the Braude Beat, a dangerous case of road rage in Quincy, Massachusetts. It happened on Hancock Street Saturday night after the two me...
Brown,  Kennedy campaign on Sunday Brown, Kennedy campaign on Sunday
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 13, 2009
(NECN: John Moroney, Boston, Mass.) - In the first weekend after the primary for the U.S. Senate seat from Massachusetts, two of the three candida...
Coakley looking for three-way debate Coakley looking for three-way debate
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 12, 2009
(NECN) - Senate candidate Martha Coakley (D) would like to debate both of her opponents priot to the January 19th general election. &#3...
Senators vote to cut off debate on omnibus spending bill Senators vote to cut off debate on omnibus spending bill
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 12, 2009
(NECN) - Senators voted Saturday to cut off debate on the omnibus spending bill with $447 billion dollars in discretionary.   The ...
President urging Senate to follow House in approving financial legislation President urging Senate to follow House in approving financial legislation
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 12, 2009
(NECN) - President Obama is urging the Senate to quickly follow the House in approving financial overhaul legislation.  In his week...
Biden stumps for Dodd in Connecticut Biden stumps for Dodd in Connecticut
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 11, 2009
(NECN: Brian Burnell) - Vice President Joe Biden hit the campaign trail in Connecticut today, in support of Senator Chris Dodd. Dodd is seeking re...
Braude Beat: FBI questions men arrested in Pakistan Braude Beat: FBI questions men arrested in Pakistan
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 11, 2009
(NECN) - On the Braude Beat, the case of five men from the Washington D.C. area now under arrest in Pakistan. In a letter to members of Congress, ...
Broadside: Senate candidate Scott Brown Broadside: Senate candidate Scott Brown
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 10, 2009
(NECN) - Republican State Senator Scott Brown is the underdog in the contest to fill the Senate seat left open by the death of Ted Kennedy.&#32...
Obama speaks at banquet after accepting Nobel Prize Obama speaks at banquet after accepting Nobel Prize
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 10, 2009
(NECN: Oslo, Norway) - President Obama accepted his Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway Thursday. He became the first U.S. President in ninety year,...
Broadside: Senate race preview Broadside: Senate race preview
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 09, 2009
(NECN) - When the dust settled after the Massachusetts Senate race, everything was just as the pollsters and pundits predicted. Martha Coakley rea...
Scott Brown pledges not to raise taxes Scott Brown pledges not to raise taxes
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 09, 2009
(NECN: Greg Wayland, Boston, Mass.) - Scott Brown has signed a pledge not to raise taxes, and he’s calling on Martha Coakley to do the same.&#...
Coakley will face off against Brown in Senate race Coakley will face off against Brown in Senate race
Channel: NECN
Length: 0
Date: December 09, 2009
(NECN: Alison King, Boston, Mass.) - It’s the day after the primaries in Massachusetts, and the two remaining candidates for Senate are already pu...
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