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Ethical and regulatory aspects of clinical research. Course 7 [electronic resource] / Benjamin S. Wilfond. Ethical and regulatory aspects of clinical research. Course 7 [electronic resource] / Benjamin S. Wilfond.
Channel: NIH
Length: 8547
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): Ethical Issues in Genetics Research, Benjamin S. Wilfond, MD, Medical Genetics Branch, NHGRI, and Head, Section on Ethics and Genetics, Depa...
How does it feel? : Closing the gap between unconscious and conscious emotion [electronic resource] / Joseph Ledoux. How does it feel? : Closing the gap between unconscious and conscious emotion [electronic resource] / Joseph Ledoux.
Channel: NIH
Length: 3955
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): Dr. LeDoux's lab is aimed at understanding the biological mechanisms of emotional memory. They are particularly interested in how t...
Unraveling fine-scale and cell-type specificity of cortical circuits [electronic resource] / Ed Callaway. Unraveling fine-scale and cell-type specificity of cortical circuits [electronic resource] / Ed Callaway.
Channel: NIH
Length: 4345
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): The Callaway Lab studies the organization and function of neural circuits in the visual cortex to better understand how specific neural comp...
Bayesian perception and representation of visual motion [electronic resource] / Eero Simoncelli. Bayesian perception and representation of visual motion [electronic resource] / Eero Simoncelli.
Channel: NIH
Length: 4301
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): Dr Simoncelli's research addresses a variety of basic issues in the analysis and representation of visual images. The work is inter...
Coordination of circadian timing in mammals [electronic resource] / Steven Reppert. Coordination of circadian timing in mammals [electronic resource] / Steven Reppert.
Channel: NIH
Length: 4155
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): NIH Neuroscience Seminar Series A master circadian clock resides in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus of mammal...
Saturation of retinal synapses and absolute visual sensitivity [electronic resource] / Frederick Rieke. Saturation of retinal synapses and absolute visual sensitivity [electronic resource] / Frederick Rieke.
Channel: NIH
Length: 3760
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): For more information, visit Frederick Rieke The NIH Neuroscience Seminar Series features lectures and discussions with leading neuroscient...
Dopamine and motivated behaviors [electronic resource] / Richard Palmiter. Dopamine and motivated behaviors [electronic resource] / Richard Palmiter.
Channel: NIH
Length: 4089
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): The major focus of research in the Palmiter laboratory involves analysis of the developmental and behavioral consequences of inactivating mo...
Neuroethology of attention [electronic resource] / Michael Platt. Neuroethology of attention [electronic resource] / Michael Platt.
Channel: NIH
Length: 4120
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): The Platt Laboratory combines classical ethological approaches with contemporary neurophysiological methods to study the neural bases of cog...
HIV AIDS research at the NCI : a record of sustained excellence [electronic resource] / National Cancer Institute. HIV AIDS research at the NCI : a record of sustained excellence [electronic resource] / National Cancer Institute.
Channel: NIH
Length: 23229
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): The NCI has historically supported and conducted research into oncogenic viruses. In fact, retroviral models laid the basis for our underst...
Attentional systems in the human brain [electronic resource] / Maurizio Corbetta. Attentional systems in the human brain [electronic resource] / Maurizio Corbetta.
Channel: NIH
Length: 3853
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): NIH Neuroscience Seminar Series My research aims to understand the neural basis of human cognition, in particular vision and attention. Are...
Neural systems involved in extinction depend on when extinction occurs [electronic resource] / Michael Davis. Neural systems involved in extinction depend on when extinction occurs [electronic resource] / Michael Davis.
Channel: NIH
Length: 4616
Date: September 16, 2008
Modifying decisions by right prefrontal stimulation : translational applications into drug abuse and obesity [electronic resource] / Alvaro Pascual-Leone. Modifying decisions by right prefrontal stimulation : translational applications into drug abuse and obesity [electronic resource] / Alvaro Pascual-Leone.
Channel: NIH
Length: 4335
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): Dr. Pascual-Leone is an Associate Professor in Neurology at Harvard Medical School, Director of the Laboratory for Magnetic Brain Stimulatio...
Genomic analysis of the skin microbiome and gene-environment interactions at the skin surface [electronic resource] / Julia Segre. Genomic analysis of the skin microbiome and gene-environment interactions at the skin surface [electronic resource] / Julia Segre.
Channel: NIH
Length: 3745
Date: September 16, 2008
IEGs and synaptic plasticity [electronic resource] / Paul Worley. IEGs and synaptic plasticity [electronic resource] / Paul Worley.
Channel: NIH
Length: 3602
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): Dr. Worley's laboratory examines the molecular basis of learning and memory. In particular, his laboratory has cloned a set of imm...
Postsynaptic mechanisms of plasticity [electronic resource] / Morgan Sheng. Postsynaptic mechanisms of plasticity [electronic resource] / Morgan Sheng.
Channel: NIH
Length: 3801
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): NIH Neuroscience Seminar Series The brain is a massive network of electrically active cells (neurons) that communicate with each other via ...
Frontiers in basic immunology [electronic resource] / NCI. Frontiers in basic immunology [electronic resource] / NCI.
Channel: NIH
Length: 23536
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): This NCI sponsored conference will host international leaders in the field of immunology and should provide an exciting forum for discussion...
Mouse genetics, mouse husbandry, animal health and animal study protocols [electronic resource] / H. Bedigian ... [et al.]. Mouse genetics, mouse husbandry, animal health and animal study protocols [electronic resource] / H. Bedigian ... [et al.].
Channel: NIH
Length: 10719
Date: September 16, 2008
Frontiers in basic immunology [electronic resource] / NCI. Frontiers in basic immunology [electronic resource] / NCI.
Channel: NIH
Length: 11142
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): This NCI sponsored conference will host international leaders in the field of immunology and should provide an exciting forum for discussion...
Improving diversity of the scientific staff at NIH [electronic resource] / Michael M. Gottesman. Improving diversity of the scientific staff at NIH [electronic resource] / Michael M. Gottesman.
Channel: NIH
Length: 3869
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): Dr. Michael M. Gottesman, the Deputy Director for Intramural Research at NIH, will be the featured program speaker for the next NIH Diversit...
The NIH Pandemic Flu Operational Continuity Conference [electronic resource] The NIH Pandemic Flu Operational Continuity Conference [electronic resource]
Channel: NIH
Length: 10070
Date: September 16, 2008
(CIT): NIH plans and strategies to sustain mission critical functions during a pandemic or other emergency situation.
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