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Total Results: 1,573 Videos » Videos » Cnn - Government -
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Second Amendment rights Second Amendment rights
Channel: CNN
Length: 170
Date: September 30, 2009
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that will decide whether the Second Amendment applies to all.
Political chatter Political chatter
Channel: CNN
Length: 281
Date: September 30, 2009
Paul Steinhauser discusses a new poll suggesting the New Jersey gubernatorial race is tightening up.
Guns on Amtrak? Guns on Amtrak?
Channel: CNN
Length: 118
Date: September 30, 2009
CNN’s Brianna Keilar looks at new legislation that would allow guns in checked luggage on trains.
Varying advice on Afghanistan Varying advice on Afghanistan
Channel: CNN
Length: 160
Date: September 30, 2009
Aides say the White House is having intense discussions with starkly differing opinions on Afghanistan.
Public option debate Public option debate
Channel: CNN
Length: 139
Date: September 30, 2009
Senators on a key committee take a stand on a controversial health care reform provision. CNN’s Jim Acosta reports.
Michael Moore on healthcare Michael Moore on healthcare
Channel: CNN
Length: 400
Date: September 30, 2009
Anderson Cooper talks with filmmaker Michael Moore the healthcare public option.
Public option: Yes or no? Public option: Yes or no?
Channel: CNN
Length: 489
Date: September 30, 2009
A CNN poll taken in late August said 55 percent favor a health care 'public option.' Why is it struggling to stay in the bill?
Public option: Yes or no? Public option: Yes or no?
Channel: CNN
Length: 489
Date: September 30, 2009
A CNN poll taken in late August said 55 percent favor a health care 'public option.' Why is it struggling to stay in the bill?
Crist’s comparison Crist’s comparison
Channel: CNN
Length: 370
Date: September 29, 2009
Florida Gov. Charlie Crist says President Obama could be headed to a Jimmy Carter-like defeat.
Can tech geeks be politicians? Can tech geeks be politicians?
Channel: CNN
Length: 60
Date: September 28, 2009
A former eBay CEO runs for governor in California.
Gates on Iran-China Gates on Iran-China
Channel: CNN
Length: 102
Date: September 27, 2009
CNN’s John King speaks with the U.S. defense secretary about the possibility of sanctions and China's role.
Troop’s mom gets The Last Word Troop’s mom gets The Last Word
Channel: CNN
Length: 372
Date: September 27, 2009
CNN’s John King sits down with Merrilee Carlson whose son died in the Iraq war. Carlson also heads Families United.
Pres. Obama takes on the media Pres. Obama takes on the media
Channel: CNN
Length: 873
Date: September 27, 2009
Howard Kurtz and a panel of top journalists debate President Obama’s criticism that the media loves heat, not light.
SOTU Diner: The Coffee Roastery SOTU Diner: The Coffee Roastery
Channel: CNN
Length: 229
Date: September 27, 2009
CNN’s John King visits the Coffee Roastery in Jackson, Mississippi, to talk with residents about the president and economy.
Can Obama succeed where Clinton failed? Can Obama succeed where Clinton failed?
Channel: CNN
Length: 451
Date: September 26, 2009
CNN’s Betty Nguyen talks with three members from the Clinton administration about why their health care reform effort failed.
Obama song controversy Obama song controversy
Channel: CNN
Length: 124
Date: September 26, 2009
An innocent school activity or political indoctrination? CNN’s Mary Snow reports.
Former Pres. Clinton speaks Former Pres. Clinton speaks
Channel: CNN
Length: 210
Date: September 25, 2009
AC360’s Anderson Cooper speaks with former President Bill Clinton about same-sex marriage and the current tone of politics.
Gates: Room left for diplomacy Gates: Room left for diplomacy
Channel: CNN
Length: 100
Date: September 25, 2009
Defense Secretary Robert Gates says 'there is no military option that does anything more than buy time' with Iran.
Clinton shifts on gay marriage Clinton shifts on gay marriage
Channel: CNN
Length: 62
Date: September 25, 2009
Bill Clinton says he’s changed his stance on same-sex marriage. Watch the full interview on CNN 10 p.m. ET.
Wingnuts of the week Wingnuts of the week
Channel: CNN
Length: 337
Date: September 25, 2009
Columnist John Avlon names ACORN and Ellen Sauerbrey as his picks for "Wingnuts of the Week."
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