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Highways Could Cause Autism In Children Highways Could Cause Autism In Children
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: January 05, 2011
A study suggests living near a busy highway while pregnant may increase the chances of having a child with autism.
Tinnitus Cases Increasing in Young Patients Tinnitus Cases Increasing in Young Patients
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: January 04, 2011
People with tinnitus experience hearing loss and ringing in the ears. Doctors say they are seeing more cases and in even younger patients.
Depression Linked to Diabetes Depression Linked to Diabetes
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: January 03, 2011
Millions of adults suffer from depression, while even more suffer from diabetes. Now a new study suggests the two disorders are related.
FDA Rules on Mercury Fillings FDA Rules on Mercury Fillings
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: January 03, 2011
An FDA advisory panel has met on mercury in dental fillings with new recommendations.
Most Kids Consume Caffeine Daily Most Kids Consume Caffeine Daily
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: January 03, 2011
A new study shows three out of four children consume caffeine every day — some as young as five years old.
Vision Revision For ADHD Diagnosis Vision Revision For ADHD Diagnosis
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 31, 2010
Last year, more than 4 million kids were slapped with the ADHD label.  What if I told you more than half of those kids may be suff...
Cat Scratch Fever: Hidden Killer Cat Scratch Fever: Hidden Killer
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 31, 2010
If your cat is like mine, it’s probably driving you crazy.  But if you’re not careful – it could kill you. That’s no joke. Meet th...
2010 Health and Human Services Year in Review 2010 Health and Human Services Year in Review
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 31, 2010
HHS took a number of steps that have improved the lives, health and security of Americans. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius outlines the many accom...
Special Report: Disturbing Trends in Women’s Health Special Report: Disturbing Trends in Women’s Health
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 29, 2010
Dr. Nancy Snyderman (NBC Nightly News) reports on a new report card on women’s health that is full of failing grades. One big surprise is what the ...
Ecstasy Could Help PTSD Ecstasy Could Help PTSD
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 29, 2010
The street drug ecstasy may be able to help people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.
Boy Receiving Treatment For a Crippling Skin Disease Boy Receiving Treatment For a Crippling Skin Disease
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 29, 2010
A Minnesota boy is receiving stem cell treatment and chemotherapy for a rare and potentially deadly skin disease.
Andropause: The Male Midlife Crisis Explained Andropause: The Male Midlife Crisis Explained
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 29, 2010
We’ve always known that women face menopause, but what about dudes tackling … er ... man-a-pause? It’s here, it’s real – and it’s ruining the live...
Hospital Survival Guide Hospital Survival Guide
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 29, 2010
If you think everyone in the ER is looking out for you, well … you’ve got another thing coming.  When’s the best day to get surger...
TLC For Post Cancer Pain TLC For Post Cancer Pain
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 29, 2010
Tackling breast cancer is tough enough, but what about when chemo and radiation are done? The pain is still there – but your doctor isn’t.&#32...
Obese Children Are Susceptible to Heartburn Obese Children Are Susceptible to Heartburn
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 29, 2010
Extremely obese children have a 40% higher risk of reflux disease.
US Health Rankings Dire,  but Not Impossible to Overcome US Health Rankings Dire, but Not Impossible to Overcome
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 29, 2010
A new survey from UHF suggests it’s going to take a lot of work, from government to individuals, to turn Americans' health statistics aro...
Concern About Mercury in Dental Fillings Grows Concern About Mercury in Dental Fillings Grows
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 29, 2010
Tom Costello (NBC Nightly News) reports on the concern over the Mercury in silver fillings that tens of millions of Americans have in their mouths.
Make-Up Tips for Winter Make-Up Tips for Winter
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 29, 2010
Professional offers advice for winter-time make-up.
Lunchtime Facelift Lunchtime Facelift
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 28, 2010
A laser that’s as thin as six strands of human hair can melt years off the face. See how it stacks up against current treatments.  ...
Aspirin May Help Prevent Cancer Aspirin May Help Prevent Cancer
Channel: redOrbit
Length: 0
Date: December 28, 2010
Robert Bazell (NBC Nightly News) reports that a new study shows aspirin may be much more effective at helping prevent cancer than experts thought.
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