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President Obama interview President Obama interview
Channel: CNN
Length: 1273
Date: September 20, 2009
CNN’s John King sits down with President Obama to discuss jobs, health care, and the war in Afghanistan.
Top Republican on Obama Top Republican on Obama
Channel: CNN
Length: 456
Date: September 20, 2009
Watch as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell reacts to the president’s interview on State of the Union.
Obama on Afghanistan Obama on Afghanistan
Channel: CNN
Length: 136
Date: September 20, 2009
President Obama explains his approach to the military strategy in Afghanistan.
Obama: GOP not winning debate Obama: GOP not winning debate
Channel: CNN
Length: 67
Date: September 20, 2009
President Obama tells CNN’s John King that Republicans are not winning the health care debate.
Obama: I’ll wait in line Obama: I’ll wait in line
Channel: CNN
Length: 94
Date: September 20, 2009
President Obama tells John King that he will wait in line like everybody else to receive the H1N1 vaccination.
Was Tea Party racist? Was Tea Party racist?
Channel: CNN
Length: 370
Date: September 20, 2009
African-American entertainer Lloyd Marcus disputes accusations of racism at massive Tea Party rallies. CNN’s Don Lemon reports.
Conservatives bite back Conservatives bite back
Channel: CNN
Length: 83
Date: September 19, 2009
Several prominent GOP figures take fighting words to the podium at the annual Values Voter Summit. Rick Vincent reports.
Richardson on racism and Obama Richardson on racism and Obama
Channel: CNN
Length: 74
Date: September 19, 2009
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson speaks with CNN’s Don Lemon about issues of racism surrounding President Obama.
Michelle Obama on health care Michelle Obama on health care
Channel: CNN
Length: 97
Date: September 19, 2009
Dan Lothian reports on the first lady jumping into the health care debate with both feet this week.
Obama and immigration Obama and immigration
Channel: CNN
Length: 137
Date: September 19, 2009
Republicans claim that illegal immigrants could qualify for health care benefits if legalized. Lisa Sylvester reports.
Why Obama’s plan won't work Why Obama’s plan won't work
Channel: CNN
Length: 300
Date: September 19, 2009
Rep. John Boehner talks about a major conservative conference this weekend and health care reform with our T.J. Holmes.
Getting past race? Getting past race?
Channel: CNN
Length: 538
Date: September 19, 2009
Anderson Cooper and panel discuss Obama’s recent remarks on race and how he is trying to focus on health care.
One-on-one with Pres. Obama One-on-one with Pres. Obama
Channel: CNN
Length: 154
Date: September 18, 2009
CNN’s John King talks with President Obama on some very key and current issues.
Obama downplays racism Obama downplays racism
Channel: CNN
Length: 53
Date: September 18, 2009
President Obama downplays racism as the cause of political attacks. Watch the entire interview Saturday 9am EST on CNN.
Obama downplays racism Obama downplays racism
Channel: CNN
Length: 53
Date: September 18, 2009
President Obama downplays racism as the cause of political attacks. Watch the entire interview Saturday 9am EST on CNN.
Michelle Obama on health care Michelle Obama on health care
Channel: CNN
Length: 189
Date: September 18, 2009
The first lady is playing a new role in promoting the president’s push for health care reform. CNN's Dan Lothian reports.
Mrs. Obama on health insurance Mrs. Obama on health insurance
Channel: CNN
Length: 104
Date: September 18, 2009
Michelle Obama talks about how health insurance helped her father and daughter.
'Wingnuts of the week' 'Wingnuts of the week'
Channel: CNN
Length: 215
Date: September 18, 2009
Columnist John Avlon names Rep. Joe Wilson and Rep. Hank Johnson as his "wingnuts of the week."
'I kinda resent' Obama 'I kinda resent' Obama
Channel: CNN
Length: 338
Date: September 17, 2009
Republican Sen. Charles Grassley spoke to reporters Thursday about crafting a health care reform bill.
Obama announces defense changes Obama announces defense changes
Channel: CNN
Length: 302
Date: September 17, 2009
President Obama calls the new missile defense architecture in Europe stronger, smarter and cost effective.
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