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Science (2027)
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An Idiot Abroad: Toad for Lunch An Idiot Abroad: Toad for Lunch
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 115
Date: January 23, 2011
Karl gets a call from Stephen Merchant to say that a local Chinese family has invited him to lunch at their home. Watch his reaction when he finds ...
Mutant Planet: Comet Orchid Mutant Planet: Comet Orchid
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 70
Date: January 21, 2011
The Comet Orchid has beautiful and fragrant flowers that are visible during the warm months in Madagascar. During the winter its behavior is more l...
Mutant Planet: Carnivorous Chimps Mutant Planet: Carnivorous Chimps
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 106
Date: January 21, 2011
Chimps regularly hunt and eat meat even though their diet is mostly fruit and plants. Why do chimps hunt and kill even if they don’t need meat to s...
Mutant Planet: Lemur DNA Mutant Planet: Lemur DNA
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 102
Date: January 21, 2011
Scientists can tell when lemurs began to evolve and even where they came from by comparing strands of DNA from lemurs around the world.
Mutant Planet: King of the Castle Mutant Planet: King of the Castle
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 150
Date: January 21, 2011
Some male cichlids will build "shell castles" to attract a mate. Collecting shells can get pretty rough. Fights and sabotage are just business as u...
Mutant Planet: Devious Fish Mutant Planet: Devious Fish
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 96
Date: January 21, 2011
This predator has evolved to look like a harmless Peacock cichlid that only eats tiny sand organisms.
Mutant Planet: Birth of Madagascar Mutant Planet: Birth of Madagascar
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 123
Date: January 21, 2011
Madagascar was part of an enormous landmass, also called a supercontinent, 180 million years ago before tectonic forces divided the island from wh...
An Idiot Abroad: An Idiot Abroad Promo An Idiot Abroad: An Idiot Abroad Promo
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 60
Date: January 15, 2011
Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant are sending their pal Karl Pilkington, sometimes described as a real life Homer Simpson, to the seven wonders o...
An Idiot Abroad: Perfectly Round Head An Idiot Abroad: Perfectly Round Head
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 102
Date: January 15, 2011
Witness a phone call from Ricky Gervais as Karl visits the Taj Mahal. Find out why Ricky is worried about Karl losing weight during the trip. Ricky...
An Idiot Abroad: Man with Many Accents An Idiot Abroad: Man with Many Accents
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 84
Date: January 15, 2011
While on his way to Petra in Jordan, Karl is fascinated by an English-speaking Jordanian man with an unbelievable accent.
An Idiot Abroad: Killer Chicken Fish An Idiot Abroad: Killer Chicken Fish
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 89
Date: January 15, 2011
Before snorkeling in the Dead Sea, Karl gets a crash course in potentially dangerous local sea life to avoid. Little does Karl know that he’s bein...
Mutant Planet: Maned Wolf Mutant Planet: Maned Wolf
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 135
Date: January 09, 2011
The maned wolf is often described as a fox on stilts! A relative newcomer to Brazil’s Cerrado, this predator's arrival may have caused th...
Mutant Planet: Maned Wolf Mutant Planet: Maned Wolf
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 135
Date: January 09, 2011
The maned wolf is often described as a fox on stilts! A relative newcomer to Brazil’s Cerrado, this predator's arrival may have caused th...
Mutant Planet: Giant Anteater Mutant Planet: Giant Anteater
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 70
Date: January 09, 2011
The giant anteater has a 7 foot long, 80 pound body, the claws of a bear and a tail like a witches' broom. Needless to say, this is one b...
Mantracker: Exposed by an Air Horn Mantracker: Exposed by an Air Horn
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 96
Date: January 09, 2011
As Tim and Miah try to sneak up on the trackers, Tim bumps into a fallen log and accidentally sets off his air horn! See their creative attempt to...
Mantracker: Alphas Bump Heads Mantracker: Alphas Bump Heads
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 98
Date: January 09, 2011
Tim and Miah are both Type A personalities. After spending the night in the bush, these two alpha males are in no mood to compromise.
Meteorite Men: What a Rock Meteorite Men: What a Rock
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 107
Date: January 09, 2011
After a slue of tiny finds, the guys come across a sizeable meteorite on the ground in plain view.
Meteorite Men: A Rickety Rake Meteorite Men: A Rickety Rake
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 95
Date: January 09, 2011
To cover more ground, the guys drag a rake covered in magnets behind a truck in hopes of dredging up a few finds. See why Geoff joked, "we’re taki...
Meteorite Men: Easily My Favorite Meteorite Men: Easily My Favorite
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 105
Date: January 09, 2011
Steve finds a really, really, really cool iron meteorite with a unique design. When meteorites pass through our atmosphere, the intense heat can c...
Meteorite Men: A Friendly Wager Meteorite Men: A Friendly Wager
Channel: The Science Channel
Length: 95
Date: January 09, 2011
Eager to get back to civilization, the team places a friendly wager on who can find a meteorite first. Find out who won the bet.
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