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Quel est le rôle majeur de Natureparif ? Quel est le rôle majeur de Natureparif ?
Channel: iTunes
Length: 0
Date: March 24, 2011
TerreTV, la télé web des générations futures
Agriculture et environnement : qu’en pense le consommateur ? Agriculture et environnement : qu’en pense le consommateur ?
Channel: iTunes
Length: 0
Date: March 24, 2011
TerreTV, la télé web des générations futures
Entrepreneur paysagiste : mode d’emplois ! Entrepreneur paysagiste : mode d’emplois !
Channel: iTunes
Length: 0
Date: March 24, 2011
TerreTV, la télé web des générations futures
Révision stratégique de la biodiversité par le Ministère du développement durable Révision stratégique de la biodiversité par le Ministère du développement durable
Channel: iTunes
Length: 0
Date: March 24, 2011
TerreTV, la télé web des générations futures
C’est cadré : Catherine Giner et la science C’est cadré : Catherine Giner et la science
Channel: iTunes
Length: 0
Date: March 24, 2011
Catherine Giner est conseillère municipale déléguée aux Universités, à la Recherche et à la Formation professionnelle à Marseille. Dans cet entret...
C’est quoi la communication environnementale ? C’est quoi la communication environnementale ?
Channel: iTunes
Length: 0
Date: March 24, 2011
TerreTV, la télé web des générations futures
C’est quoi la biodiversité ? C’est quoi la biodiversité ?
Channel: iTunes
Length: 0
Date: March 24, 2011
TerreTV, la télé web des générations futures
El temps - El temps migdia,  23/03/2011 El temps - El temps migdia, 23/03/2011
Channel: iTunes
Length: 0
Date: March 24, 2011
La tarda ens ha de portar núvols i algun ruixat al sud del país i sol al centre i el nord. Les temperatures màximes, una mica més altes.
文献管理システム TogoDocの使い方 文献管理システム TogoDocの使い方
Channel: iTunes
Length: 846
Date: March 24, 2011
TogoDocはDBCLSが開発・提供している文献管理システムです。 PubMed IDのリストを本システムに登録することで、 興味を持ちそうな関連文献を取得したり、各書誌情報に任意のタグを付けて整理することができます。またPubMed検索結果から適宜書誌情報を登録や、あ...
ESTデータベース Entrez Unigeneを使い倒す 2011 ESTデータベース Entrez Unigeneを使い倒す 2011
Channel: iTunes
Length: 283
Date: March 24, 2011
NCBIが提供するデータベースの1つにUniGeneがあります。Unigeneは遺伝子のESTデータベースであり、様々な遺伝子のEST配列を取得することが出来ます。ESTとは「expressed sequence tag」の略でRNAの一部に当たる短い配列であり、転写産物...
Redes 88: No éramos únicos. Ahora lo somos Redes 88: No éramos únicos. Ahora lo somos
Channel: iTunes
Length: 1703
Date: March 22, 2011
Antes de aceptar que todos los seres vivos venimos del mismo antepasado común, el ser humano se creía único entre las criaturas del planeta, alent...
Tonsilectomies Tonsilectomies
Channel: iTunes
Length: 287
Date: March 22, 2011
While sore throats may be a part of growing up, at what point does this recurring condition become a full-blown case of tonsillitis? In this Child...
Dr. Gupta uncovers stories of survival Dr. Gupta uncovers stories of survival
Channel: iTunes
Length: 1251
Date: March 21, 2011
Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports from Japan on the earthquake and tsunami destruction.
Espai Terra - Espai Terra - 18/03/2011 Espai Terra - Espai Terra - 18/03/2011
Channel: iTunes
Length: 0
Date: March 21, 2011
Visitem la vall d'Àger, a la comarca de la Noguera. A més dels esports d’aventura com a motor econòmic de la zona, també hi ha associacio...
An Orchid Explosion An Orchid Explosion
Channel: iTunes
Length: 165
Date: March 21, 2011
The male orchid flowers in the genus catasetum evolved an unusual pollination program. They propel a package of pollen onto the backs of visiting b...
Spaceship Spitzer: Bots of Both Worlds Spaceship Spitzer: Bots of Both Worlds
Channel: iTunes
Length: 0
Date: March 21, 2011
Amy Okuda flies to Saturn to observe a new giant ring around the planet: the largest ring ever discovered in our Solar System, but one that was on...
Wallpaper Designed to Keep Buildings Standing Wallpaper Designed to Keep Buildings Standing
Channel: iTunes
Length: 239
Date: March 21, 2011
Building standards conceived with earthquakes in mind are a matter of course in Japan. But in many other countries, quakes can cause major damage ...
In the Studio: Prof. Danijel Schorlemmer,  Seismologist In the Studio: Prof. Danijel Schorlemmer, Seismologist
Channel: iTunes
Length: 198
Date: March 21, 2011
Tomorrow Today: The Science Magazine
Big Wave Warning Big Wave Warning
Channel: iTunes
Length: 203
Date: March 21, 2011
The tsunami in northeastern Japan has taken the lives of thousands of people. Seismologist Jörg Lauterjung and his colleagues say the disaster coul...
Studiogast: Prof. Danijel Schorlemmer,  Erdbebenforscher, GFZ Potsdam >> Studiogast: Prof. Danijel Schorlemmer, Erdbebenforscher, GFZ Potsdam >>
Channel: iTunes
Length: 159
Date: March 21, 2011
Projekt Zukunft: Das Wissenschaftsmagazin
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