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Total Results: 721 Videos » Videos » Health %26 Fitness - Monkeysee -
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Why is it important to focus on my physical health? Why is it important to focus on my physical health?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
Can I catch a cold from being cold and wet? Can I catch a cold from being cold and wet?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this video Ronald Turner, MD of the University of Virginia explains all of the various issues surrounding the common cold virus. He discusses ev...
Why should people quit smoking? Why should people quit smoking?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
This video discusses why people should quit smoking.
What are some of the precautions to take with exercise if diabetic? What are some of the precautions to take with exercise if diabetic?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this series, Kathy Reily discusses the various issues that diabetics face and how you can be healthy with diabetes.
Why is a flu shot important to get if you’re diabetic? Why is a flu shot important to get if you’re diabetic?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this series, Kathy Reily discusses the various issues that diabetics face and how you can be healthy with diabetes.
Why do people enjoy smoking? Why do people enjoy smoking?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
This video will discuss why people enjoy smoking.
Is there a relationship between sleep depravation and poor health? Is there a relationship between sleep depravation and poor health?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
Should I test my blood sugar before or after I exercise if I have diabetes? Should I test my blood sugar before or after I exercise if I have diabetes?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this series, Kathy Reily discusses the various issues that diabetics face and how you can be healthy with diabetes.
What are some symptoms of depression? What are some symptoms of depression?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this video series, Dr. Kim Penberthy discusses the many issues surrounding depression.
How many people smoke? How many people smoke?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
This video will give statistics for how many people smoke.
At what point does not treating depression become risky or dangerous? At what point does not treating depression become risky or dangerous?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this video series, Dr. Kim Penberthy discusses the many issues surrounding depression.
How should I care for my baby’s diaper area? How should I care for my baby’s diaper area?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this video Dr. Ann Kellams discuss the many issues surrounding how to properly care for a newborn baby.
Are colds more dangerous to certain people than others? Are colds more dangerous to certain people than others?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this video Ronald Turner, MD of the University of Virginia explains all of the various issues surrounding the common cold virus. He discusses ev...
Does your body get healthier after you quit smoking? Does your body get healthier after you quit smoking?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
This video will talk about the effects that quitting smoking has on your body and health.
How do you treat low blood sugar? How do you treat low blood sugar?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this series, Kathy Reily discusses the various issues that diabetics face and how you can be healthy with diabetes.
What are the most common causes of depression? What are the most common causes of depression?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this video series, Dr. Kim Penberthy discusses the many issues surrounding depression.
How much money will I save if I quit smoking? How much money will I save if I quit smoking?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
This video talks about how much money you will save if you quit smoking.
What is low blood sugar? What is low blood sugar?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this series, Kathy Reily discusses the various issues that diabetics face and how you can be healthy with diabetes.
Can I get depressed for no reason other than brain chemistry? Can I get depressed for no reason other than brain chemistry?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this video series, Dr. Kim Penberthy discusses the many issues surrounding depression.
How should I swaddle my baby? How should I swaddle my baby?
Channel: Monkeysee
Length: 0
Date: August 27, 2008
In this video Dr. Ann Kellams discuss the many issues surrounding how to properly care for a newborn baby.
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