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Total Results: 91 Videos » Videos » Ted - Technology -
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The art of baking bread The art of baking bread
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: January 14, 2009
Batch to batch, crust to crust ... In tribute to the beloved staple food, baking master Peter Reinhart reflects on the cordial couplings (wheat an...
Life on Mars? Let’s look in the caves Life on Mars? Let’s look in the caves
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: December 18, 2008
So the Mars Rovers didn’t scoop up any alien lifeforms. Scientist Penelope Boston thinks there's a good chance — a 25 to 50 perc...
Jay Walker’s library of human imagination Jay Walker’s library of human imagination
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: December 15, 2008
Jay Walker, curator of the Library of Human Imagination, conducts a surprising show-and-tell session highlighting a few of the intriguing artifact...
Second Life,  where anything is possible Second Life, where anything is possible
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: December 03, 2008
Why build a virtual world? Philip Rosedale talks about the virtual society he founded, Second Life, and its underpinnings in human creativity. It’...
Building a home for the Clock of the Long Now Building a home for the Clock of the Long Now
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: November 17, 2008
Stewart Brand works on the Clock of the Long Now, a timepiece that counts down the next 10,000 years. It’s a beautiful project that asks us to thi...
The story of the Mars Rovers The story of the Mars Rovers
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: November 12, 2008
At Serious Play 2008, Charles Elachi shares stories from NASA’s legendary Jet Propulsion Lab — including tales and video from the Mars R...
Why societies collapse Why societies collapse
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: October 27, 2008
Why do societies fail? With lessons from the Norse of Iron Age Greenland, deforested Easter Island and present-day Montana, Jared Diamond talks ab...
Why newspapers still matter (and why tech news belongs on the front page) Why newspapers still matter (and why tech news belongs on the front page)
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: October 09, 2008
At the EG conference, John Markoff talks about why newspapers still matter — even in the days of RSS. He gives an inside look at editori...
The Web and the city The Web and the city
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: October 08, 2008’s Steven Johnson says the Web is like a city: built by many people, completely controlled by no one, intricately interconnected and yet...
Will videogames become better than life? Will videogames become better than life?
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: October 06, 2008
Game designer David Perry says tomorrow’s videogames will be more than mere fun to the next generation of gamers. They'll be lush, comple...
How robots will invade our lives How robots will invade our lives
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: September 29, 2008
In this prophetic talk from 2003, roboticist Rodney Brooks talks about how robots are going to work their way into our lives — starting ...
The Web and TV,  a sibling rivalry The Web and TV, a sibling rivalry
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: September 04, 2008
In this absorbing look at emerging media and tech history, Peter Hirshberg shares some crucial lessons from Silicon Valley and explains why the we...
Taking the next giant leap in space Taking the next giant leap in space
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: September 03, 2008
Peter Diamandis says it’s our moral imperative to keep exploring space — and he talks about how, with the X Prize and other incentives, ...
The astonishing promise of DNA folding The astonishing promise of DNA folding
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: September 02, 2008
In 2007, Paul Rothemund gave TED a short summary of his specialty, DNA folding. Now he lays out in clear, abundant detail the immense promise of t...
Re-creating great performances Re-creating great performances
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: August 26, 2008
Imagine hearing great, departed pianists play again today, just as they would in person. John Q. Walker demonstrates how recordings can be analyze...
Making a computer that works like the brain Making a computer that works like the brain
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: July 30, 2008
Researcher Kwabena Boahen is looking for ways to mimic the brain’s supercomputing powers in silicon — because the messy, redundant proce...
Architecture,  modern and romantic Architecture, modern and romantic
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: July 28, 2008
Reed Kroloff gives us a new lens for judging new architecture: is it modern, or is it romantic? Look for glorious images from two leading practice...
What positive psychology can help you become What positive psychology can help you become
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: July 21, 2008
Martin Seligman talks about psychology — as a field of study and as it works one-on-one with each patient and each practitioner. As it mo...
Technology,  faith and human shortcomings Technology, faith and human shortcomings
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: July 16, 2008
Speaking at TED in 1998, Rev. Billy Graham marvels at technology’s power to improve lives and change the world — but says the end of evi...
Let’s look for life in the outer solar system Let’s look for life in the outer solar system
Channel: TED
Length: 0
Date: July 14, 2008
Physicist Freeman Dyson suggests that we start looking for life on the moons of Jupiter and out past Neptune, in the Kuiper belt and the Oort clou...
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