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Total Results: 6,421 Videos » Videos » Government - Fox News -
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Should D.C. Take a Pay Cut if Government Shuts Down? Should D.C. Take a Pay Cut if Government Shuts Down?
Channel: FOX News
Length: 273
Date: April 01, 2011
Democratic lawmaker says if Congress and the president can’t get the job done, they shouldn't get paid
Pentagon Pulls U.S. Attack Planes From Libya Pentagon Pulls U.S. Attack Planes From Libya
Channel: FOX News
Length: 260
Date: April 01, 2011
Critics question why administration would scrap key element of strategy
Geraldine Ferraro Laid to Rest Geraldine Ferraro Laid to Rest
Channel: FOX News
Length: 100
Date: April 01, 2011
Political heavyweights pay last respects at funeral
GOP Freshmen: Boehner Says No Agreement on Budget Deal GOP Freshmen: Boehner Says No Agreement on Budget Deal
Channel: FOX News
Length: 321
Date: April 01, 2011
Freshman liaison to House GOP leadership Rep. Kristi Noem on spending showdown
Ohio Dem.: Anti-Union Measure 'Shameful' Ohio Dem.: Anti-Union Measure 'Shameful'
Channel: FOX News
Length: 366
Date: April 01, 2011
State House Minority Leader Rep. Armond Budish speaks out against new law
Illinois to Allow Concealed Weapons? Illinois to Allow Concealed Weapons?
Channel: FOX News
Length: 101
Date: April 01, 2011
House committee approves proposed amendments
Schumer References Fox News on Budget Schumer References Fox News on Budget
Channel: FOX News
Length: 120
Date: April 01, 2011
New York senator cites Fox News commentators in arguing against shutdown
Controversial New York State Budget Passes Controversial New York State Budget Passes
Channel: FOX News
Length: 99
Date: April 01, 2011
Budget cuts school aid
GOP Victorious in Ohio Budget Battle GOP Victorious in Ohio Budget Battle
Channel: FOX News
Length: 414
Date: April 01, 2011
Gov. John Kasich on state’s budget, union protests
Michele Bachmann Talks 2012 Ambitions Michele Bachmann Talks 2012 Ambitions
Channel: FOX News
Length: 382
Date: April 01, 2011
Minnesota congresswoman on whether she’ll throw her hat into presidential race
Pence: 'Change the Fiscal Destiny of America' Pence: 'Change the Fiscal Destiny of America'
Channel: FOX News
Length: 272
Date: March 31, 2011
Indiana congressman on GOP’s proposed spending cuts, looming government shutdown
Clinton’s Approval Rating Soars,  Obama's Sinks Clinton’s Approval Rating Soars, Obama's Sinks
Channel: FOX News
Length: 152
Date: March 31, 2011
Columnist Mark Steyn on secretary of state’s rising poll numbers
Power Play: Government Shutdown Still Looming Power Play: Government Shutdown Still Looming
Channel: FOX News
Length: 443
Date: March 31, 2011
Will Republicans and Democrats close in on a deal?
Response to Libya Hearing in Congress Response to Libya Hearing in Congress
Channel: FOX News
Length: 263
Date: March 31, 2011
Rep. Duncan Hunter on NATO command of conflict
Lawmakers Push President to Change Syria Policy Lawmakers Push President to Change Syria Policy
Channel: FOX News
Length: 222
Date: March 31, 2011
K.T. McFarland on U.S. strategy in Middle East
Why Not Syria? Why Not Syria?
Channel: FOX News
Length: 217
Date: March 31, 2011
Should the U.S. take action? Former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Robert Hunter weighs in
Unions Squeezing Wisconsin Businesses? Unions Squeezing Wisconsin Businesses?
Channel: FOX News
Length: 369
Date: March 31, 2011
Wisconsin union leaders issue boycott threat
Homeland Security Transparency Debate Homeland Security Transparency Debate
Channel: FOX News
Length: 217
Date: March 31, 2011
Congressional hearing on 'pattern of delays'
Government Shutdown: Who Stands the Most to Lose? Government Shutdown: Who Stands the Most to Lose?
Channel: FOX News
Length: 319
Date: March 31, 2011
GOP or Democrats? Who will Americans blame more if the government shuts down April 8?
Will U.S. Go Covert in Libya? Will U.S. Go Covert in Libya?
Channel: FOX News
Length: 438
Date: March 31, 2011
Obama authorizes secret operations
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