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Fair Recompense Fair Recompense
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 141
Date: April 02, 2008
This sequence opens with John Daniell bargaining with Lady Essex over the return of her letters and also a guarantee of security for John. Jane the...
'il Cammino degli eroi der marsch der helden' [Alternative] [The way of the heroes] 'il Cammino degli eroi der marsch der helden' [Alternative] [The way of the heroes]
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 174
Date: April 02, 2008
The clip opens showing a vast supply operation with goods being loaded into aircraft and then dropped to waiting troops. We see columns of trucks f...
Edwardian Folkestone at work 1904 Edwardian Folkestone at work 1904
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 94
Date: April 02, 2008
The film opens with well to do Edwardians in a well off street. We then see sailors on the docks, followed by a range of street urchins and slight...
'il Cammino degli eroi der marsch der helden' [Alternative] [The way of the heroes] 'il Cammino degli eroi der marsch der helden' [Alternative] [The way of the heroes]
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 115
Date: April 02, 2008
This clip shows some ingenious machinery as Italian troops rig up some scaffolding to a truck and attach a screen to show a film from a projector m...
Armistice Day ceremonies Armistice Day ceremonies
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 133
Date: April 02, 2008
The film starts with titles explaining the Armistice Day ceremony. It then goes on to show the march past the Cenotaph in Whitehall.
'La Rivista Imperiale - Primo Annuale Dell' Impero [Imperial Review- First Anniversary of the Empire] 'La Rivista Imperiale - Primo Annuale Dell' Impero [Imperial Review- First Anniversary of the Empire]
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 94
Date: April 02, 2008
This sequence opens with Mussolini being cheered by huge crowds in a parade through Rome. The action then switches to central Rome and a sombre pro...
Leaders of British empire countries in London 1926 Leaders of British empire countries in London 1926
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 112
Date: April 02, 2008
The film opens with a title explaining what is happening, a gathering of leaders of the Empire to discuss a range of issues. This includes India, ...
The Canterbury Tour 1920 Part 2 The Canterbury Tour 1920 Part 2
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 191
Date: April 02, 2008
This is a film taken from the back of a truck with the cameraman filming everything in his wake. It starts at one end of Canterbury and takes us to...
Why did people go to war in 1642? Bishop: Richard Hyde Why did people go to war in 1642? Bishop: Richard Hyde
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 77
Date: April 02, 2008
Short film describing the attitude of an Anglican Bishop to causes of the English Civil War.
Battle of the Somme 1916 Battle of the Somme 1916
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 73
Date: April 02, 2008
This clip starts with a title card explaining how heavy guns are destroying enemy defences. We then see artillery crews under camouflage preparing ...
Why did people go to war in 1642? Scottish Covenanter: Margaret Geddes Why did people go to war in 1642? Scottish Covenanter: Margaret Geddes
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 56
Date: April 02, 2008
Short film describing the attitude of a Scottish Covenanter to causes of the English Civil War.  This is the last of five clips fil...
Compiling Information Compiling Information
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 82
Date: April 02, 2008
Short film describing the compiling of information for Domesday.  This is the third of four clips filmed to illustrate the process ...
Why did people go to war in 1642? King Charles I Why did people go to war in 1642? King Charles I
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 79
Date: April 02, 2008
Short film describing the attitude of King Charles I to causes of the English Civil War.  This is the fourth of five clips filmed t...
Questions,  questions, questions Questions, questions, questions
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 86
Date: April 02, 2008
Short film describing the reaction of a Saxon village reeve to the process of collecting information for Domesday.  This is...
Suffragette Pageant in London 1908 Suffragette Pageant in London 1908
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 51
Date: April 02, 2008
The clip opens with titles telling us the pageant contains over 66,000 women and they are showing examples of famous women in history. We then see ...
The Canterbury Tour 1920 Part 1 The Canterbury Tour 1920 Part 1
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 104
Date: April 02, 2008
This is a film taken from the back of a truck with the cameraman filming everything in his wake. It starts at one end of Canterbury and takes us to...
All is Lost All is Lost
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 230
Date: April 02, 2008
This clip opens with bailiffs coming to the Daniell house to claim the £2000 awarded to Lady Essex by the court in a judgement against John Daniell...
Why did people go to war in 1642? Irishman: Thomas Murray Why did people go to war in 1642? Irishman: Thomas Murray
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 40
Date: April 02, 2008
Short film describing the attitude of an Irish Catholic to causes of the English Civil War. This is the third of five clips filmed to illustrate t...
The role of the commissioners The role of the commissioners
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 77
Date: April 02, 2008
Short film describing the role of one of William I’s Domesday commissioners.
Why did people go to war in 1642? Puritan: Adam Wright Why did people go to war in 1642? Puritan: Adam Wright
Channel: UK National Archives
Length: 51
Date: April 02, 2008
Short film describing the attitude of a Puritan to causes of the English Civil War.  This is the second of five clips filmed to ill...
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