Egypt’s unfinished revolution
Channel: YouTube
Length: 133
Date: June 23, 2011
Hundreds of families were evicted from their homes in Egypt, in January. Promised to be moved into government housing quickly, these Egyptians sti...
Voler avec un moteur sur le dos
Channel: YouTube
Length: 64
Date: June 23, 2011
Pouvoir décoller et se déplacer avec un moteur sur le dos, c’est le rêve fou qu'un néo-zélandais est à deux doigts de proposer au public....
NWO compulsory stealth law.wmv
Channel: YouTube
Length: 209
Date: June 22, 2011
Warning new compulsory nwo stealth law for Britains motorists. Music by kind permission of JBQ www.uk-insurance-index.co.uk www.moneysavingexpert.com
What’s causing chaotic spring weather?
Channel: YouTube
Length: 149
Date: June 22, 2011
This spring has seen tornadoes, floods, drought and wildfire of historic proportions. But, what is causing the chaotic weather? John Blackstone re...
【原発】AKBならぬ「CHA88」 秋葉原で静岡茶をPR(11/06/11)
Channel: YouTube
Length: 16
Date: June 22, 2011
東京・秋葉原で、「CHA88」というグループが、原発事故の影響が懸念されている静岡の「新茶」の安全性などをPRしました。メンバーは、18歳から73歳までの88人で構成されています。 その他のニュースはコチラから! [テレ朝news] www.tv-asahi.co.jp
Estréia BIZARRA - Gurus Do AMOR #
Channel: YouTube
Length: 118
Date: June 22, 2011
¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO DO VÍDEO ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ • ADOTE COMO FAVORITO! :D • BLOG : gurusdoamor.blogspot.com -----------------------------------...
[RTN 뉴스] 택지지구 중대형아파트 축소
Channel: YouTube
Length: 129
Date: June 22, 2011
국토해양부는 지난 5월1일 발표한 건설경기 연착륙 및 주택공급 활성화 방안 내용 중 '택지개발지구 내 단독주택 가구수 제한 규정 폐지'를 반영한 '택지개발업무처리지침'을 31일부터 시행한다고 30일 ...
Ongeloof in Hardinxveld
Channel: YouTube
Length: 105
Date: June 21, 2011
De bewoners van Hardinxveld willen dat de politie en gemeente een buurtbijeenkomst organiseren. Veel ouders hebben vol ongeloof gereageerd op het n...
I got punched by an old guy, for farting near his wife. Read MoreComic book creator Stan Lee talks the future of the medium in the digital age. Panelists Zachary... Read MoreThe U.S. launch of Spotify is still on music lovers' minds. Join Zachary Levi, from NBC’s... Read MoreTuesday: Rupert Murdoch testifies before Parliament on the hacking scandal that brought down "News... Read MoreAfter a long slump, the home construction industry may be showing signs of life. But as Bill... Read More | 1 2 3 4 5 |