Creationist Name & Shame Series - NephilimFree revisited (1/2)
08-08-09 Update: Annotation explaining the latest is at the start of the video. Here is the accompanying link: www.richarddawkins.net PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. I’m citing "Fair Use" under US Copyright Act, Title 17 512 (g)(f), specifically those clauses covering Comment and Criticism, as well as the DMCA. www.aclunc.org Also "Fair Dealing" under UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 c.48, Part 1(Copyright) Section 79.4a www.opsi.gov.uk Censorship is NOT a valid argument. This is a video series that reveals Creationists for what they truly are; closed minded and completely incorrect. For this episode, we are re-visiting NephilimFree. He is the master of laughable claims and psychological projection, sociopathic behaviour and questionable morality (someone who says they're prepared to murder a kid in the name of his religion is a sociopath of the worst variety). He has ignored every rebuttal to his claims and re-asserted them, and he has consistently taken his critics out of context to distort the meaning of their arguments. Not only that, but he ignores evidence against his absurd and insane theories, among a great many other Creationist traits he continues to espouse. His latest round of videos addresses a series I made against his ridiculous "Educating the Dodo" series, in which he uses non-seqiturs, red herrings and insulting behaviour in place of actual scientific evidence. Not only does he continue to use such behaviours against the refutations that others (and <b>...</b>
Video Length: 629
Date Found: May 21, 2009
Date Produced: May 21, 2009
View Count: 0