Keeping Twitter simple
Why won’t Twitter allow for multimedia posts? Alex Payne, API Lead at Twitter explains Much shorter than a blog post, but not quite poetry, Twitter's 140-character restriction is the core of what's made it successful.  While MySpace, and now Facebook pages force-feed mounds of multimedia content into our browsers, Twitter profiles load instantly and can be scanned through with ease.  Twitter has no intention to ever integrate the ability to actually post a photo or video within a Tweet.  Instead they have other thoughts.Alex Payne, API lead at Twitter, hopes in the future to add a layer of meta data to individual Tweets so that applications built on top of Twitter for example, Tweetdeck or Twhirl, will be able to do things like show the actual content without having to browse to another Web ...   [ Read more ]
Video Length: 0
Date Found: February 12, 2009
Date Produced: February 12, 2009
View Count: 2