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June 6, 2011 Official Dike Inspection of Bismarck
June 6,  2011 Official Dike Inspection of Bismarck
June 6, 2011 Official Dike Inspection of Bismarck
iReport — State, city and county officials looked at the newly completed dike projects at 48th Ave, through Fox Island and at Southport. There was a variety of Corps, County and private projects. Everything from sandbags, earthen levees, hescos and trapbags are being deployed to stop the greatest flood that is coming to our communities since the dam era.  The river is going slightly down, but beware of false hope. The inflows from the mountain are still coming and we will see another surge. This is the famous "June Rise" in which the great dams from the 1950’s on the Missouri were designed to catch and produce hydropower. This year the two dams above our communities, Ft. Peck and Garrison, saw all-time record inflows from record May rainfalls and some snow melt. At Garrison the all-time May record inflow was set at 4.7 million acre feet, the previous record was 2.9 million acre feet was set in 1979. This took all the capacity for the expected June Rise, the reservoir is now full and is dumping water at all time records as communities like our scramble to defend themselves with assistance from the Army Corps as they built more than 7 miles of earthen dikes, trap bags dikes and sandbags around the city of Bismarck to protect populated areas and public infrastructure. As of today, just in Burleigh County, north and south of the city of Bismarck, in rural river areas there is no protection, expect for privately constructed sandbag or earthen ring dikes around homes. We have lost 600 homes, affecting at least 2,000 people and the worst is yet to come. The releases are expected to increase by another 40 percent in the next 10 days with another three feet of water atop of the flood that is already here. When that happens the river will gobble up more riverbanks, more homes and shatter more lives. Even the bridges along the Missouri river is being threatened by the immense pressure being placed on them. State Water Engineer Todd Sando says the bridges are also pinching ...
Channel: iReport
Category: News
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Date Found: June 06, 2011
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