GRITtv: Chris Lehmann & Thomas Frank: Rich People Things
"I guess I missed the part of the book of Genesis where Moses says 'Let my people make $250,000 a year or more,'" jokes Chris Lehmann, author of the new book Rich People Things (from OR Books, also publisher of At The Tea Party). And Harper’s columnist Thomas Frank notes, "It's expensive to be a populist these days!" Thomas and Chris join us in studio for a chat about Rich People Things--why it is that the same political rhetoric that used to be used in service of the people, the poor and working classes, is now being used to defend the rights of millionaires not to pay taxes. When the social contract's been shredded, right-wingers talk of "forces of darkness" with straight faces, and Republicans are vowing not to vote on anything until they get to cut taxes for the rich, what can we do?
Video Length: 817
Date Found: December 03, 2010
Date Produced: December 02, 2010
View Count: 0