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Tim Pawlenty? Yawn...GOP Prez Candidates..Just Concede 2012
Tim Pawlenty? Yawn...GOP Prez Candidates..Just Concede 2012
Tim Pawlenty? Yawn...GOP Prez Candidates..Just Concede 2012
iReport — Have you ever seen an election where one candidate ran unopposed? That will be 2012’s Presidential election for President Obama. Are any of the GOP's Presidential Candidates getting you excited? Tim Pawlenty announced today. Yawn... Palin may still run..interesting..Will Bachmann  throw her Whig in the ring? Again..Michele will make it interesting with shots fired in the wrong direction and more silly stuff. Are there any sincere, er, sorry we're talking Republicans here, rather, serious GOP candidates running for President? Lack of excitement? That's strike one. Of course, when does a Republican candidate get excited or get anyone excited unless you're a Tea Party member.                                     Strike two? They're disingenuous. None can say what they really think because they first have to win the GOP's nomination. Think "Tea Party and Christian Right." Romney's having to deny he created a sensible health care plan in Massachusetts. This makes him look ridiculous. Remember, "I was for it before I was against it?" What's involved with that? All GOP candidates have to embrace the Ryan "Let's Kill Medicare" Plan to win their party's nomination and then deny they meant any of it when it comes to swaying sensible voters in the 2012 general election. Of course, saying what the voters want to hear just to get elected, will be easy for Republican Candidates. They do it with ease and no conscience. My advice? Save all of us the trouble and concede 2012 to Obama. Bank your money, learn what governing is and whom you're there to represent, (hint: People, not corps) and run for President in 2016.  Create some job bills. Put Americans back to work. That way, when 2016 gets here, you'll have more to run on than empty promises.    ***
Channel: iReport
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Date Found: May 23, 2011
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