My Dearest Mother---親愛的母親
My mother is always tidy and neat.母親總是整整齊齊On her friends she never cheats. 對人一向童叟無欺In her jacket she likes to have some bleats. 喜歡一些有打摺的外衣In her face she usually carries a smile so sweet. 臉上經常甜蜜歡喜Here is the memory of her youth she often repeats.這是她一再提起的少年記憶 In the early morning, in the cold stream, 一大清早在冰冷的溪裡 She had to collect laundry to beat. 她得收拾搗衣 At noon, in the heat of the sunbeam, 中午在炎炎的陽光裡 She had to water the wheat.她得灌溉到麥田裡 In the afternoon, the oxen started to bleat, 到了下午牛群哞聲連連 She had to tie them on the cleat. 她得一一將他們上栓 In the evening, it was time to eat, 晚上吃飯的鐘聲一響 She had to cook and burn peat. 她就得燒媒煮飯 There wasn’t enough to eat. 三餐總是不濟 Meat was served when there was a guest to treat. 請客時才有肉可以打牙祭 Not until her parents finished would she take a seat.父母沒吃飽前也不敢上椅 Though life was hard, she never suffered defeat.生活雖然困苦, 卻也甘之如飴 In my heart, she did a marvelous feat. 在我的心裡, 母親您真了不起
Video Length: 0
Date Found: October 27, 2007
Date Produced: January 24, 2007
View Count: 32