Have you thought about the reason for your insomnia?
Why do you wake up in the middle of the night after falling deep asleep?You fall asleep so quickly that you can\\\'t remember turning off the television, yet you still wake up during the night.Why? Whether it will be a peaceful nights\\\' sleep or a restless one, what determines and what can you do to control it?Physical substances like caffeine in the late afternoon could be the cause of your insomnia, but it could be emotional as well.The good news is that even solutions less simple than cutting back on caffeine, such as resolving emotional issues that keep you from sleeping, have easy solutions as well.Often, due to unresolved events occurring throughout the day you wake up stirred at night.While during the day great success might have prevailed you on moving tasks around on your to-do list, or in your mind, while asleep, you subconsciously begin to search solution of problem and figure out where they should go.So the question becomes, how does one put one\\\'s subconscious worries into the conscious mind before falling asleep?
Video Length: 41
Date Found: July 04, 2010
Date Produced: July 04, 2010
View Count: 0