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I have had a lot of subscribers asking about my last video "what had happened at the show" I guess I will just tell you guys what is going on.. Nothing necessarily happened AT the show, what i meant by that was on the Friday of the show I figured some stuff out, which I wish I hadn’t. As most of you probably read in a video description a while back, we put Johnny on a big diet, seeing as he is one of those hard keeper Thoroughbreds. He was putting weight on one day, then dropping it a few days later, this happened over and over. Maybe his diet isn't good enough, we think he is not getting enough hay through out the day, but that doesn't explain why his winter coat has not yet shed out, nor does it explain why he is showing all the symptoms of having ulcers. He was a racehorse, and some of you may know this already but a lot of racehorses develop ulcers due to being in a stall for almost 24/7 while on a very rich diet. So, there is a good chance Johnny has ulcers. Yes, it is treatable with medication. But, the thing is.. We may not be able to afford the medication he needs to get better.. I and many other people are praying for Johnny, in hopes that when he gets a vet check, everything will be fine. I have witnessed the power of the law of attraction and try to live my life based upon it. It works, anyone who believes strong enough in something, will be granted the things you desire. It has worked for me in the past, I mean.. The Law Of Attraction is what brought Johnny to <b>...</b>
Channel: YouTube
Category: Pets & Animals
Video Length: 75
Date Found: June 06, 2011
Date Produced: June 06, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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