Objective journalism - exists and growing
But, it's like obscenity; you know it when you see it, and you rarely do When I started as a journalist, I always went directly to the source, or at least what I thought were the sources. These days, copying and pasting is a bigger part of journalism. Just this weekend, a NYTimes article, gave pointers to journalists who couldn't copy and paste. The article asked: "How can they [reporters] do their jobs if they can't copy and paste stuff from the Internet?" Goodness. The NYTimes says reporters can't be reporters without copying? Does Internet sourcing, err copying and pasting, make journalists lazy? Are they failing to stand on shoulders, relegating themselves to just one of the crowd?To be sure, copying and pasting -- with attribution and linking -- isn't all bad. The ability to do ... [ Read more ]
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Date Found: September 23, 2008
Date Produced: August 04, 2008
View Count: 6