pokemon ranger 2 (read description for a lot of info)
pokemon ranger 2 in japan cool pics comment if q's In the recent CoroCoro magazine, they released information about a Pokemon Ranger sequal. So far the title is Pokemon Ranger 2 - Batonnage. I don't know what Batonnage means or if this is the offical title, but it'll be released in Japan on March 20th, 2008. Ithas very similiar gameplay as the last onebut here is some additional info: *Regions name isArumia. * Male character's name isHajime. Female character's name is unknown.But you can still pick what gender you want to play. Both the male and female character are graduates from Ranger School. * There are 4th Generation Pokemon in it. Darkrai seems to play a part in it. Lucario, Heatran, & Cresselia play supporting roles. * Instead of an alreadychosen partner (Minum for Lunick and Plusle for Solanna), you have a choice of 17 Pokemon to be your partner: Munchlax (Normal) Kricketot (Bug) Mime Jr. (Psychic) Cranidos (Rock) Croagunk (Poison/Fighting) Machop (Fighting) Shieldon (Rock/Steel) Chimchar (Fire) Piplup (Water) Turtwig (Grass) Pachirisu (Electric) Starly (Normal/Flying) Snover (Ice/Grass) Misdreavus (Ghost) Hippopotas (Ground) Sneasel (Dark/Ice) Gible (Dragon/Ground) * In addition with Missions, you can also do Quests byhelping people in town. * Your CaptureStyIer can be upgraded with Cards which gives certain effects. It has been confirmed that an Electric Cardreduces Electric Damage done toyour Capture StyIer by 3. * You're able to Surf on Pokemon is some controlled environments. * You're able to use Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection is some form. * A Manga of it is already planned with Hijame having Pachirisu and Munchlax as his Pokemon partners. Speculation: It seems like the partners they give have one of each Element (Croagunk for Poison, Shieldon for Steel, Starly for Flying, Snover for Ice, Sneasel for Dark, and Gible for Dragon). Though it seems odd thatfive of the Pokemon (the ones I just mentioned except Starly), are duel types as their are other Po...
Video Length: 53
Date Found: January 30, 2008
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View Count: 482