TANZ MIT M.I.R. - #2 - AS IF
TANZ MIT M.I.R. - #2 - AS IF
Second piece of a series of experimental dance shorts exploring different editing approaches to the same archive dance footage .  The title 'TANZ MIT M.I.R.' is German and stands for either 'dance with me' or 'dance with M.I.R.' with M.I.R. being the initials of 'Brazilian contemporary' dancer Maria Isabel Rondon ( Her dance improvisation I filmed for another project inspired me for this series. concept/camera/editing: Andreas Krätschmer dance: Maria Isabel Rondon music credits: 'AS IF' by Kim Hiorthoy ©2010 BLICFILM
Video Length: 68
Date Found: March 18, 2011
Date Produced: January 13, 2011
View Count: 0
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