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10 Social Media Mistakes
10 Social Media Mistakes
10 Social Media Mistakes
iReport — Today, it’s Social Media Day... ...and why not have a day devoted  to America's #1 pastime (or so it seems)? Everyone is carrying a  Blackberry, an iPad or some sort of mobile device. It's seemingly taking  over everyone's lives. When you meet someone new, in your business or  personal life, asking that person "are you on Facebook?" has simply  become standard practice. One's social media presence is nearly  replacing the need to exchange phone numbers or even have face-to-face  meetings.But with this social media age sweeping over everyone's lives so  quickly, do people really know what they're doing yet? In our excitement  to become a part of it, are we possibly making a lot of mistakes? Who better to ask advice than one of North America's top experts? Meet Shane Gibson a Social Media author, trainer and the "go-to-guy"  for anyone trying to understand, and ultimately benefit from using, Social Media. Given the unforgiving nature of Social Media I asked Shane if he could  briefly sum up some critical dont's. Shane Gibson writes: With 600 million people on Facebook, 100 million on LinkedIn and with  Twitter  producing 3 billion tweets per month, it's undeniable that social media  plays a huge role in today's society and economy. However, social media  is "new media" and a new platform so for every success story there is  also a social media failure — like a botched Fortune 500 marketing  campaigns or an employee posting the wrong photo on Facebook to the  demise of his/her career. Just to be safe, before you tweet, poke a friend or upload a video, view my "Top 10 Social Media Don'ts" Shane Gibson Author - Sociable and Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Follow me on Twitter: @ShaneGibson ( Read my blog: Watch my Seminar Video: Visit my Social Media Agency: Produced and Hosted by: Percy von LipinskiAssociate Producer: Tracy Bymoen
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: June 30, 2011
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