That Darn Evil Cat
When a girl at school named Hailey twists her ankle in the playground, Dorie, Reanne and Mirabelle offer to carry her home to her dad’s steak house.  The Witchlings learn that Hailey's family's had bad luck lately. Hailey's mother's hurt in an automobile accident, her father burned his hand cooking, and business at dad's once popular steak house suddenly went south. With Hailey now hurt, they're short a few hands at the steak house-so the Witchlings throw themselves into the daily operations of the eatery! They're disturbed to see a couple enter the restaurant only to leave immediately as if they'd seen a ghost. When the Witchlings ask the potential patrons why they panicked, the couple explains they felt a strange, negative energy by the door. When the girls investigate, they find an antique cat sculpture may hold a key to the Hailey family mystery!
Video Length: 1183
Date Found: April 01, 2011
Date Produced:
View Count: 0