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Follow Us to Paradise - Part 2!
Follow Us to Paradise - Part 2!
Follow Us to Paradise - Part 2!
iReport — It has been a long time since the last update from paradise but we have been busy exploring the country. After reading our first IReport, which covered our first night in Costa Rica, this report will cover the next day or so.After our first night, we woke up with the sun shining brightly and the morning full of promise. For the purpose of full disclosure we are staying at the Barcelo Playa Langosta Resort in Tamarindo which is an All-Inclusive Resort.As our day was just beginning, we encountered another friendly common visitor of Costa Rica, a howler monkey, perched up way up in the trees. But this howler monkey wasn’t just any monkey, this one was carrying around precious cargo, a little baby monkey on it’s back. Of course such a sight attracted a lot of attention from photo cameras and video cameras of all the tourists trying to get the perfect shot, while the locals just looked on almost smiling on the inside knowing that they see these kinds of things everyday and because of that they know that to them their country is the most beautiful in the world.The rest of the day was spent exploring the tiny town of Tamarind in the Guanacaste province. The lessons we learned from walking around the town is that the town prides itself on being green. There are recycling bins for practically every possible thing on every corner, which is very surprising because the town is very small and the only road in or out is a dirt, gravel road. The town is also full of not only tourists but also Americans who have made this town their second home.  Also, to attest to how much Costa Rica prides itself on being environmentally friendly, everywhere you look, there are plots of land preserved and cultivated by the government with several different species of plants. Also the beach is a preserved piece of land because during the summer a lot of the turtles use it as nesting grounds. We explored a lot of the beach and of course it was like stepping into a national geographic ...
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: June 27, 2011
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