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FOOD CURATED: NYC’s Newest & Biggest Rooftop Farm: The Brooklyn Grange
FOOD CURATED: NYC’s Newest & Biggest Rooftop Farm: The Brooklyn Grange
FOOD CURATED: NYC’s Newest & Biggest Rooftop Farm: The Brooklyn Grange
It’s summer harvest season up on NYC’s newest and biggest rooftop farm! If you haven’t been, and I know most of you haven’t, you need to see The Brooklyn Grange. I visited a few days ago to see what Farmer Ben Flanner was growing for the summer, and I was quite impressed with the progress he’s made in such a short amount of time. His 40,000 square foot farm (just under an acre) was lush with greens, cabbage, tomato plants, corn crops, carrots, swiss chard, various herbs and root vegetables. I seriously didn’t think the farm would look as finished or as polished as it did when I set foot, especially since they only began planting in late May. But, it did. The plants looked happy and tasted great, further proving the case for more NYC rooftop farms. Watch the video and see for yourself. Plants like rooftops…or it seems that way to me!
Channel: iTunes
Category: Food
Video Length: 137
Date Found: September 22, 2010
Date Produced: July 13, 2010
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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