Words of Malcolm X
Finally! I haven’t posted in so long and it feels so good to get a new one up.  I've been working this freelance job and it's pretty awesome, I'm learning a lot of new stuff, but it's sort of squashed all of my time and energy. When I get home I have a hard time doing anything other than going to bed. Anyway, the job ends tomorrow, so I'll start animating the Animation Hotline animations again. This one I did for the Tallahassee Film Festival, they played a selection of them on opening night and I did a festival specific animation for them for a called from Tallahassee. There were a ton of good messages from there, so I'll be using a couple of them in the near future. Animation Hotline is a series of daily animations where I use messages left on my voicemail for content. When you get a chance please leave me a message, and honestly it’s best if you leave more than one because sometimes what you think is the perfect message might simply be impossible for me to animate in one day. This project is only as good as the messages that you leave me, so if you feel so inspired, call! To leave a message call… inside US: +1 212-683-2490 international (skype): animationhotline
Video Length: 35
Date Found: April 19, 2011
Date Produced: April 15, 2011
View Count: 0