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6/6 Grant Marsh Bridge report Bismarck, North Dakota
6/6 Grant Marsh Bridge report Bismarck,  North Dakota
6/6 Grant Marsh Bridge report Bismarck, North Dakota
iReport — More than 700 homes are no evacuated out of both sides of the river.  Yesterday possibly more sandbags were made in the community than anywhere else, when a half million reverse was put in place. This morning the river was at 17.37, flood state 16 ft. and the flow was 115,000 cubic feet per second, normally it is one tenth of that flow. The Army Corps will release an additional 20,000 cfs by this Friday 6/10. Most of the people living north and south of the cities of Bismarck and Mandan have evacuated their homes possessions near the river, and some are trying to fight the flood waters.  (See my Facebook photos since May 17th). It is the worst natural disaster to ever hit this area and the worst is still yet to come.  The Corps is promising releases from Garrison Dam of 150,000 cfs no later than June 15th. 1,200 National Guard soldiers are here helping from the state. 1,600 people participated in the Sandbag Throwdown yesterday, video from that event, that I produced on my Iphone is below.
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: June 06, 2011
Date Produced:
View Count: 5 Special Offers
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