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Sri Lanka: Caught in the Crossfire
Sri Lanka: Caught in the Crossfire
Sri Lanka: Caught in the Crossfire
The prolonged last days of the Tamil Tigers.   If you are any sort of news-reader you should be aware that right this very minute, as you’re reading this, the island of Sri Lanka is being torn apart as the government forces push for the final eradication of the Tamil Tigers. Just this weekend <a href=" target="_blank">the Sri Lankan army broached the 20-mile-wide safe zone</a> housing the last remnant of the Tigers as well as an estimated 100,000 civilian refugees. Despite their almost complete lack of prospects, the Tigers <a href="22lanka" target="_blank">aren’t giving up the fight</a>, the civilians are dodging bullets from both sides, and <a href=" target="_blank">nobody</a> from the media can get in to see what’s going on. It’s a fucking mess. For more on the background of the conflict, footage from the front line, and what this whole thing means for the future of South Asia please enjoy this extra-special Ceylonese VBS News special Sri Lanka: Caught in the Crossfire.<strong>Update: <a href=" target="_blank">It’s over</a>. Tigers lost.</strong>
Channel: VBS TV
Category: News
Video Length: 1717
Date Found: January 08, 2010
Date Produced: April 20, 2009
View Count: 9 Special Offers
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