Baby Tarpon in South Florida
The worst part of this video, for me, is remembering all of the shots that I missed on this morning with capt. nick sassic in south florida. We hit the water at sunrise, can’t remember the exact time but it was early, and when we hit the flats the baby poons were coming in waves, rolling and crushing bait, probably one of the best sights in the (angler's) world.  Anyway, pulled the camera out as nick began to jump tarpon on a topwater, but the humidity was SO HIGH that every piece of glass in the camera become instantly covered with condensation... know I've been doing this for a while now and know what occurs when you pull a camera from a case in hot/humid conditions - but this was extreme! It took nearly 3 hrs for the camera to "dry out." meanwhile tarpon after tarpon crushed topwater boatside - which would have been some of the best tarpon footage I have ever seen... alas, when the camera dried out, here is what we shot... still kills me to watch and think of what could have been.....
Video Length: 104
Date Found: March 11, 2011
Date Produced: November 20, 2009
View Count: 0