Former TV Superman Dean Cain stars in this sci-fi horror film reminiscent of James Cameron’s 1986 classic Aliens. Boa sets its action in the not-too-distant future, where volatile criminals are shipped off to a place called Facility Number One, a super-high-security prison located — just to be safe -- in the distant, icy confines of Anarctica. What the prisoners and their wardens don't know, however, is that there's a presence more dangerous than all of them combined: A giant, prehistoric, flesh-eating snake, hibernating in the ground just underneath the facility. When the creature gets a whiff of what's going on above ground, the oversized boa decides it's time for a little light snacking, and the good and bad guys have to join together to escape the carnage. ~ Michael Hastings, Rovi
Video Length: 5700
Date Found: March 11, 2011
Date Produced:
View Count: 1