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Protests continue at Japanese Embassy in Seoul
Protests continue at Japanese Embassy in Seoul
Protests continue at Japanese Embassy in Seoul
South Koreans have rallied in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul in protest against a reference in new Japanese educational guidelines to a disputed island. A supplement to Japan's new educational guidelines for junior high schools refers for the first time to Takeshima in the Sea of Japan, which is called Dokdo in Korean. Both Japan and South Korea have made territorial claims to the isl More.. and. On Tuesday, about 100 protesters from 4 South Korean groups staged a rally in front of the Japanese Embassy. One conservative group demanded that references to the island be removed from the supplement, saying that Japan's actions distort history, and cast doubt on its nature as a democratic state. The group called for a boycott of Japanese-made products, and set fire to a box likened to the supplement. As many as 300 police officers, 10 times the usual number, are guarding the embassy. So far there has been no major disturbance. On Monday night, about 160 people demonstrated before the embassy, and 500 protestors are scheduled to hold a rally on Tuesday night. 2008/07/15 19:35 Less..
Channel: LiveLeak
Category: Government
Video Length: 0
Date Found: October 29, 2008
Date Produced: July 15, 2008
View Count: 7 Special Offers
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