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Bismarck, ND, flooding
Bismarck,  ND, flooding
Bismarck, ND, flooding
iReport — This video shows the releases from the Garrison Dam in North Dakota, between Pick City and Riverdale. This water is rushing down the Missouri River to Bismarck and Mandan, where residents are preparing for what could be a 100-year flood event. The entire south side of Bismarck could be under feet of water for weeks if the Corps' projections for future releases are correct. At the time the video was shot, around 9 p.m. on May 25, 2011, releases were at 75,000 cubic feet per second. The US Army Corps of Engineers says it will increase releases to 85,000 by May 30, and 105,000 by June 9, and possibly 120,000 after that. The cities are in crisis mode. People have left work to sandbag for themselves and their neighbors. Voluntary evacuations are being requested of residents in areas in danger of being cut off due to flood waters. Everyone is working as hard as they can, but even our best might not be enough to save half the city.
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: May 26, 2011
Date Produced:
View Count: 2 Special Offers
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