ELECTROMA is a 2007 film directed by Daft Punk, revolving around the quest of two robots to become human. The film was first shown as part of the Cannes Film Festival Director’s Fortnight, and midnight screenings in Paris received such high acclaim that the film's previously brief run was extended to six months.  The music featured in this film is not by Daft Punk, which is a first for the duo after their previous films "D.A.F.T." and "Interstella 5555", instead using works by Todd Rundgren, Brian Eno, Sébastien Tellier, Curtis Mayfield, Linda Perhacs, Jackson Frank and Mathieu Tonetti. Daft Punk's previous directorial credits include the music videos for their singles "Fresh", "Robot Rock" and "Technologic". The duo initially shot footage for a music video of the song "Human After All", but expanded the content for a feature-length film instead, shooting over 11 days on 35mm Kodak stock.
Video Length: 4359
Date Found: July 03, 2011
Date Produced: June 30, 2011
View Count: 0