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Liberties Lost, Death of the Republic? How Much Is Enough?
Liberties Lost,  Death of the Republic? How Much Is Enough?
Liberties Lost, Death of the Republic? How Much Is Enough?
Tweet   Our Republic, 235 yrs in the making, has wandered way off the road our Founding Fathers envisioned us to be on. A country with limited government intervention then now has government in every aspect of our lives.  Out of control spending & debt, devaluing the dollar (monetizing our debt & printing money), surging (soon) commodity prices leading to inflation possibly hyper-inflation, massive economic failures on multiple fronts, loss of freedoms right under our feet and the list goes on and on. @02:25 How much more do you need to see? Are you listening to those who are warning you? @02:47 Are you listening to those who are deceiving you? @03:03 Or are too occupied and complacent... while "Rome" burns? @03:42 Doesn’t matter who is in power... Republican or Democrat, they're all the same! @03:50 This mess (oil dependency, financial, social, political, terror etc) has been going on for a long time, only now it's coming to a head (can't be hidden anymore) @04:06 Just a matter of time till America starts looking like Europe... (Athens, London, Rome) @04:28 People like Van Jones & Frances Fox Piven have advocated violence in America to effect change! @04:36 America, we are in a lot of trouble. You can't sit around "waiting for someone else to do something"! That "someone else" you're waiting for is... YOU!! If not for yourself, do it for them... (children) @04:53 56 men, our Founding Fathers, had the courage to risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor for freedom, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.
Channel: LiveLeak
Category: Educational
Video Length: 0
Date Found: January 20, 2011
Date Produced: January 20, 2011
View Count: 2 Special Offers
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