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Shrimp Killing Cats?
Shrimp Killing Cats?
Shrimp Killing Cats?
iReport — I try to be as eco friendly as I can, and when I recently found out about the shrimp farms in Thailand and the impact they have on the endangered fishing cat, I was shocked. We can help save this cat from extinction by voting with our money on who we buy food from. Why not purchase shrimp from domestic sources,is it the fear of the oil spill? Or is it easier to pick up a bag and save $ at our local mega store? I hope they will watch this video and change the ways they get their shrimp. Please click on these links for more information: Help save the Fishing cat: Report on shrimp farms: For seafood lovers; here’s a good list: More fishing cat projects: Many of the shrimp products I found from Thailand has this label as well, but the photos don’t show the pictures of the Thailand shrimp farms, just some happy people holding fish. Are we being fooled? Contact or talk to the place where you buy your groceries and let them know you care where your food comes from. The world’s population is growing and the demand to feed it should not make way to destroying the planet. A huge special thank you to DR. Jim Sanderson with the helping of this report and the usage of his photos. Video footage of captive fishing cat taken by myself at Big Cat Rescue, Tampa, Fl. Thanks for watching, now go help save the fishing cats!
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: June 12, 2011
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