Should This Video Be Banned YOU DECIDE
This video is a small excerpt from ZEITGEIST - The Movie, which is available to watch now on Google Video and at YOUTUBE — PLEASE STOP CENSORING THIS VIDEO!!! I have removed chunks of this video in order to please you and yet you still remove it. Please YouTube, just allow people to watch this video, to see the obvious truth in it, and let them come to their own conclusions. YouTube, if you believe in TRUTH, MORALITY and FREEDOM OF SPEECH, then you should allow people to see this video and make up their own minds.  This is simply the most amazing documentary you’ll ever see in your life. So extremely powerful and eye opening. What do Christianity, 9/11 and The Federal Reserve have in common? Well, go to the following URL, then sit back and relax with your favorite beverage, and allow your mind to be awoken from your slumber. Right now, consciously and subconsciously, increasingly vast numbers of people are instinctively feeling that something's not right in this world. They might not be able to articulate in detail what it is. They just have that faint but nagging feeling that something's not right about what's going on in the world. And the spark that will set that afire is the INFORMATION to explain what IS going on. And when people have access to that INFORMATION -- suddenly, what seemed to be a bewildering, complex, "what's-going-on?" kind of world, becomes perfectly understandable. To understand what is happening, you have to understand what those in power are trying to achieve. If you don't know that, then you have a co-ordinate missing that is fundamental to understanding. If you suffer from terminal naivity and believe that governments are there to somehow serve the people and do what's right for the country, then you'll look around at what's happening in the world and say things like: "this government is just stupid, they're incompetent, what they're doing is crazy"....
Video Length: 585
Date Found: February 19, 2009
Date Produced: August 07, 2008
View Count: 76