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A Hairy Situation: Summer Shaving Tips & Tricks
A Hairy Situation: Summer Shaving Tips & Tricks
A Hairy Situation: Summer Shaving Tips & Tricks
read this for smoother everything: my FACEBOOK: TWITTER: My personal BLOGGY: My other youtube channel: Here’s some summer tips and tricks on how to get the smoothest legs, how to get a closer shave, smooth hair-free armpits, and my favorite deodorant! Just you guys know, Walmart did not pay me to say I like them! ha ha ha I just really do and I'm always there! I was NOT paid to tell you guys I like anything in this video! Anything I said was my honest opinion.  Secret and Venus have decided to sponsor my blog and as part of that, sent me a brand spankin' new razor to try and a new deodorant. (hope they didn't think I had smelly pits! ha ha ha) I only talk about stuff I love and turn down people asking me to talk about products all the time. I will only talk about things I really have used and like! So a big thanks to Secret....I was running out of thank you! And I needed a new razor Secret, so thank you too!!! One less trip to Walmart! ha ha ha
Channel: YouTube
Category: Home Video
Video Length: 516
Date Found: July 01, 2011
Date Produced: June 30, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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