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The Shures - The World’s First International Internet Band
The Shures - The World’s First International Internet Band
The Shures - The World’s First International Internet Band
iReport — I would like to tell you about my band. We are The Shures, The World’s First International Internet Band, hailing from Australia, England & America. Chris Kennedy (UK), Gabriel Cabrera ( Australia, and contestant on the 2nd season of Australian Idol) and myself Ashley Burns met over an online karaoke website in 2007. We ended up finding each others recordings on this site and loved each others voices so much that we started sending each other messages and eventually became friends. I actually then started having dreams of us all singing together, so I decided to go with my gut and asked the two guys if they would like to be in a band with me. Despite our distance and the fact that we hadn't ever met in person, they both said yes! And an internet band was born! We used our macbooks and Garageband (program that comes with Mac) to put our voices together and make recordings. We quickly took it one step further and moved over to Youtube and made videos. We did this for 2 years before meeting in person for the first time in Australia. It was an amazing journey and our YouTube fans got to take that journey with us. I had dealt with severe depression for years and to top that all off I had lost my mother to breast cancer. These two guys helped me overcome my depression and get my life back, not to mention they helped me gain confidence to do what i loved. Being in Australia singing with my two best friends was the best thing that ever happened to me. We have over 35,000 subscribers and over 5 million views on YouTube! Unfortunately, due to lack of money and visa issues... we are all apart and back to our original countries again. It has been a hard time as I have come back to america only to lose my grandfather  whom I lived with to a stroke and lost my home to foreclosure. We are all struggling to get back together, and struggling to get back on our feet... but it's just really hard. We are determined to make this work, but it's certainly been a hard blow. P...
Channel: iReport
Category: News
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Date Found: May 31, 2011
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