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World’s largest Energy Fair in Custer, WI
World’s largest Energy Fair in Custer,  WI
World’s largest Energy Fair in Custer, WI
iReport — The 22nd Annual Energy Fair was held this past weekend in Custer, WI. It’s billed, as the world’s largest fair of it’s kind. It cost $15 for a day pass and was well worth the hour drive to see it. At first I was a little hesitant. My wife wanted to check it out and I wanted to go watch the Gus Macker basketball tournament in town. We flipped a coin and soon headed south to the fair. It was a nice experience. There were over 200 workshops and 250 exhibits. The main stage hosted speakers from around the globe. The music and food was excellent! It was strange seeing such a different backdrop than most fairs. Old Wisconsin barns stood tall and horses grazed in the pastures. Everything was well organized and the volunteers extremely friendly. Was glad to have lost the coin flip with Bobbi. Compromise is the key to a happy marriage and we checked out the other event on Sunday so everything worked out great. Thanks for the view. The Midwest Renewable Energy Association put on the event. Their website is
Channel: iReport
Category: News
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Date Found: June 20, 2011
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View Count: 0 Special Offers
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