蹂솕쓽 떦쐞꽦쓣 遺뿬諛쏆 삤諛붾쭏 넻..
혻 영어의 모든 것-이상엽 영어: ABC뉴스, TIME독해, 토익, 토플, 수능, VOCA 혻 Barack Obama Elected President with Mandate for Change When historians look back at the 2008 presidential landslide, they won’t focus on the fact that Barack Obama soon to be our 44th President and our first African-American Commander in Chief ran a smart and steady campaign. They won’t focus on William Ayers or Joe the Plumber or socialism or racism. They won’t debate whether John McCain blew it by targeting Pennsylvania or by avoiding the press or by ignoring the Rev. Jeremiah Wright or by picking Sarah Palin as a running mate. They won’t remember the robo-calls or “cling” or the Paris Hilton ad or the crazy chick who carved the B into her face. The pundits filling airtime on their 24-hour news channels might have cared, but posterity won’t. 혻 * landslide: 산사태, (선거) 압도적 승리, 압도적으로 승리하다* reverend: (보통 the Rev.) 신부, 목사(pastor) * robo-calls: 미국 특수용어, 은어(jargon)로서 신종 선거 홍보자동전화, 마치 로봇이 전화를 거는 행위와 비슷하다는 말에서 유래 * chick: 병아리, 새 새끼, (애칭) 어린아이, (속어) 젊은 여자 * pundit: (인도의) 현인, 박식한 사람, 대가 * airtime: (라디오, TV) 방송 시간 * posterity: (집합적) 후세, 후대
Video Length: 600
Date Found: December 22, 2009
Date Produced: November 06, 2008
View Count: 1