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Iridium-Based Tracking Allows First Opportunity for Fans to "...
Iridium-Based Tracking Allows First Opportunity for Fans to
Iridium-Based Tracking Allows First Opportunity for Fans to "...
The same satellite technology being used to track vehicles, postal packages, airplanes, containers and supplies is now a mandated requirement for mushers participating in the 2009 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. The Iditarod Trail Committee (ITC), organizers of the race, tested Iridium-based tracking technology on several dog sleds in 2008. The ITC was so satisfied with the results, service and safety associated with the tracking capability that it mandated all mushers must mount an Iridium-based tracking device, provided by IonEarth, on their sleds. IonEarth is an Iridium value-added reseller (VAR). Roadpost, an Iridium Service Provider, is also supplying Iridium satellite phones to Iditarod staff for safety and operational purposes during this three-week, 1,000-mile race in some of the world’s harshest weather and landscapes. "By arming Iditarod mushers and staff with Iridium-based communications, we are continuing to bring a race based on a 10,000-year-old mode of transportation into the 21st century," said Stan Hooley, executive director, ITC.  To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Channel: metacafe
Category: Technology
Video Length: 123
Date Found: March 14, 2011
Date Produced: March 05, 2009
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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