Mysterious Vehicles - Gas & Food Prices Skyrocketing - Cheap Houses
want-free-gas.com GAS & GROCERY PRICES ARE GOING UP!Mysterious New Trucks or Cars - Saw some really weird but yet cool looking small new cars being transported by a semi truck. VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Cars, Grocery store Prices , Arizona Green Tee, consumer spending, Gas prices & Dog Food.April 26, 2011Filmed during the hours of 8:00 AM- 10:30 AMBuckeye, ArizonaPhoenix West ValleySUPPORT YOUR LOCAL RETAILER!When you support your local retailer, You are supporting your local economy. Before you decide to pump your money into corporate giants, Please consider that your local corner mom & pop stores are working hard to make ends meet. They are your neighbors and would like to feed their family as well.. So Instead of contributing to corporate executives Hawaiian Vacations, Shop at your local retail stores. support Your Neighborhood, Your Town and Your Economy.©arizonapublicTWITTER: twitter.com Economic Collapse, economy, hyperinflation, depression, recession, on the streets, cool cars, cappuccinos, retail stores, food, groceries, grocery, gas prices, mystery, mysterious vehicle.
Video Length: 711
Date Found: June 07, 2011
Date Produced: June 07, 2011
View Count: 0