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020 The Generous Old Woman
020 The Generous Old Woman
020 The Generous Old Woman
One day, a group of senior citizens was on an outing to the sea. Half an hour into their journey, one of the women on board made her way up to the coach driver and offered him a handful of peanuts. He was both surprised and touched by the gesture. He accepted the peanuts, thanked the woman, and began munching. After another half hour had passed, the same woman returned with another handful of peanuts. He was thrilled, thanked the woman again, and ate them up at once. The woman returned a third time, and then a fourth. He had had his fill. So when the woman returned a fifth time with yet another handful of peanuts, he declined them, explaining that he was full. “You’re so kind to bring me a snack, thank you ma’am” he said. “Oh, don’t mention it”, said the woman “no trouble at all”. “Just one question, if you don’t mind. Why aren’t you and your friends eating the peanuts?” asked the driver. “Well, you see, we’re afraid of breaking our teeth. At our age, teeth can become a little fragile, and so we have to be very careful” she replied. “That’s logical” he answered, “But if you can’t chew the peanuts, why did you buy them” he queried. “Because we just love the chocolate coating!” she responded. That’s all for now. See you next time! Ciao a tutti, sono Michael E benvenuti in EngPods. Un giorno, un gruppo di anziani stava facendo una gita al mare. Dopo mezz’ora, una delle signore a bordo del pullman si avvicinò all’autista e gli offrì alcune arachidi. Lui fu sorpreso e toccato dal gesto. Accettò le arachidi, ringraziò la signora e cominciò a sgranocchiarle. Dopo un’altra mezz’ora la stessa signora ritornò con altre arachidi. L’autista era molto contento. Ringraziò la signora e le mangiò subito. La signora tornò una terza volta, e poi una quarta. Ormai lui ne aveva abbastanza. Quando la signora tornò con un’altra manciata di arachidi, lui rifiutò, spiegandole che era pieno. “Lei è molto gentile per avermi portato uno snack, grazie signora” disse. “Si figuri” disse la s...
Channel: iTunes
Category: Educational
Video Length: 249
Date Found: April 08, 2011
Date Produced: January 04, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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