What is Sustainable Security? CAP's Gayle Smith
www.americanprogress.org/issues/2008/06/sustainable_security.html The next president will have the opportunity to craft a modern national security strategy that can equip the United States to lead a majority of capable, democratic states in pursuit of a global common good—a strategy that can guide a secure America that is the world’s “champion for all of us.” Sustainable security combines three approaches: * National security, or the safety of the United States * Human ƒsecurity, or the well-being and safety of people * Collective ƒsecurity, or the shared interests of the entire world Sustainable security, in short, can shape our continued ability to simultaneously prevent or defend against real-time threats to America, reduce the sweeping human insecurity around the world, and manage long term threats to our collective, global security.
Video Length: 60
Date Found: September 24, 2008
Date Produced: September 24, 2008
View Count: 0