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Celebrate Israel Run and Parade 2011 NYC
Celebrate Israel Run and Parade  2011 NYC
Celebrate Israel Run and Parade 2011 NYC
iReport — We had the opportunity to attend the Celebrate Israel Run and Parade in NYC. This was the first year in which a run  was  developed to kick off the Celebration. The New York Road Runners and Sponsor JCRC created an amazing day to bring together the New York community and celebrate Israel. The Celebrate Israel Parade drew thousands of Israel supporters and for the 1st time ever a camel walked down 5th avenue. In 1964, thousands gathered together to walk down Riverside Drive in support of the young State of Israel.  This impromptu walk eventually evolved into tradition; moving to Fifth Avenue as theSalute to Israel Parade.  Over the years it has become the world’s largest gathering in celebration of Israel and its people attracting worldwide media coverage. The Parade enables the tri-state community to come together in a non-partisan, apolitical show of unity and solidarity with the State of Israel and its people.Celebrate Israel Parade 2011In 2011 it was decided to change the name of the Parade in order to focus on celebrating the vibrant and diverse country of Israel hence the new name - Celebrate Israel Parade. This year the Parade features over 30,000 thousand marchers representing many Jewish and non-Jewish organizations and institutions including dozens of schools and colleges.  Hundreds of thousands enthusiastic spectators will gather to watch American and Israeli community leaders and dignitaries, entertainers, artists, musicians, dancers and celebrities, floats and marching bands proceed up Fifth Avenue.
Channel: iReport
Category: News
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Date Found: June 06, 2011
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