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Go » Videos » Studio guest: Dr. Oliver Schwedes, traffic expert
Studio guest: Dr. Oliver Schwedes, traffic expert
Studio guest: Dr. Oliver Schwedes,  traffic expert
Studio guest: Dr. Oliver Schwedes, traffic expert
Dr. Oliver Schwedes, a mobility researcher from Berlin’s Technical University talks about the global consequences of the electric revolution in the car industry.DW-TV: Are you driving an electrical car? Oliver Schwedes: No, not yet. Nobody gave me one.  DW-TV: Well, there is actually no electric standard car right now to buy. Even industry does not expect very many electric cars to be here by 2050. How come? What went wrong? Oliver Schwedes: The industry is at the very beginning of the development. In the past it was different. Now we have to start again to develop electric vehicles. DW-TV: The big argument about electric cars is to save CO2 emissions. Now the Wuppertal Institute figured out that if you take a whole life cycle of a car and you compare a combustion engine car with an electric car you only save about an eight of a percent. Why is that? Oliver Schwedes: It depends on the energy mix for the electric car and at the moment just two percent of all is based on renewable energy. So you can explain how it comes to this result. DW-TV: So we have to change the energy production first? Oliver Schwedes: Right. It's very important to do that not first, but at the same time. DW-TV: But overall electric cars cannot really lead us out of this climate change trap. Oliver Schwedes: Not at the moment and I'm sceptical about it in the future if we just think about technical innovations. We also have to think about different behaviour, mobility behaviour, to think about different mobility concepts. DW-TV: Right now we have about one billion cars in this world and the estimates go up to about two billion by 2030 maybe. What do we have to do in order not to end up in a disaster? What are these concepts you're talking about? Oliver Schwedes: We're thinking about a so-called public electric car. That means a car which is integrated in the public transport system so that you don't need your private car anymore and can use a car and the public transport...
Channel: Deutsche Welle
Category: Science
Video Length: 211
Date Found: December 09, 2009
Date Produced:
View Count: 1 Special Offers
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